306: A Special Episode with Bryan and Quinn

Jeff and Christina are both out this week, so Brett brought on special guests Bryan Guffey and Quinn Pollock from the Technically Queer podcast. A deep dive into mental health and relationships, a bit of pop culture, and some great apps.

303: This One’s Not About Taylor Swift. That’s Next Week.

Brett and Christina are, get this, tired. Brett because of mental health stuff, Christina because of a new Taylor Swift drop, but they pull it together to make one hell of an episode. Hang on to your butts. Mental Health, debating the…

301: Brett Terpstra Time Machine

Video surfaces of Brett’s 1990s punk band Onward to Mayhem. Jeff gets soaked in mace, cuffed, and taken downtown for the crime of rock ‘n roll. Christina reveals an amazing coulda-woulda with a rising-star emo band. Brett has a new…