To celebrate the return of glorious leader, Christina and Brett take some time to mock America’s Mayor, debate self-diagnosis of disorders, and maybe even talk about Monica and OJ. It’s a truly ADHD week.
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- Inside TikTok’s booming dissociative identity disorder community
- Touch Bar Zoom Buttons
- Neil Gaiman/Bod tweet
- After Dark in CSS
- Reinstatement Day
- Giuliani on Cameo
- How I met your Father
- This is Us
- The People vs OJ Simpson: American Crime Story
- 30 for 30 OJ Simpson Made in America
- Youβre Wrong About
- Monica in Black and White
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Overtired 249
[00:00:00] Brett: Hey, you’re listening to overtired. I’m Brett Terpstra. I’m here with Christina Warren. How are you, Christina?
[00:00:10] Christina: Well I’m good, Brett. I’m good. Um, this is take two for us because someone, yeah, this is.
[00:00:16] safety for us because, uh, someone’s audio messed up.
[00:00:20] Brett: It is. As of, as of right now, it is actually recording. This is, this is being recorded.
[00:00:26] Christina: Okay. This is good. I’m really glad to hear that. I’m really glad to hear that.
[00:00:30] Brett: yeah, yeah. So, uh, so you were saying in the last take, you didn’t get up at midnight today.
[00:00:37] Christina: No, I didn’t. I did not get up at midnight. I got up. Six 15, which I think is an acceptable time to get up when you’re recording something like seven o’clock. So, um, I, I did not wake up super, super early or I guess stay up super, super late. Like it could go either way. So, um, I got up at like the adequate time for, you know, recording a, an [00:01:00] early morning podcast or mid morning as might be the case for you.
[00:01:04] Brett: and, and you’re not tired.
[00:01:06] Christina: No, I mean, I’m a little, um, like I think open to bed around one. So I got like a solid, like five and a half hours, which I
[00:01:16] Brett: insane. How do you survive on five hours of sleep,
[00:01:20] Christina: I don’t know. Cause I’ll probably end up taking a nap. I don’t know who knows.
[00:01:23] Brett: man? I couldn’t do that five hours. Like, uh, if I got five hours of sleep, three nights in a row, I would be a mess.
[00:01:31] Christina: Well, a, I find ways. Too sometimes, like, it’s usually like after work, but I sometimes, I mean, my sleep is so terrible. Cause what I’ll do sometimes it’s, I’ll like take a nap at 5:00 PM, which is stupid because then you wake up, it’s the dumbest thing in the world, because then you wake up at 11 and you’re like, all right, well I’m up until four now.
[00:01:53] Like it’s just shitty. So just gets you into like a really bad like pattern. Um, [00:02:00] and then sometimes like tomorrow is Saturday, today is Friday the 13th. Ooh. And, uh, which, which I think is why, uh, we had some recording issues earlier and um, the best one would have blamed it on any way. And um, but tomorrow, Saturday, so I can, I can just sleep in, like I could sleep in until two I won’t, but, but I.
[00:02:24] Brett: I am. Uh, I am a major proponent of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.
[00:02:31] Christina: See, that’s, that’s smart. And
[00:02:34] and I should do that. I just don’t do that.
[00:02:36] Brett: I, when I’m manic, obviously I’ll go like days without sleep. And that will ruin like the next week or two for me, uh, like five days of like one to two hours of sleep per night. Absolutely not healthy. Um, but when I’m, when I’m normal, which I am right now, uh, yeah, I like eight and a half hours of [00:03:00] sleep and I go to bed at exactly nine o’clock.
[00:03:02] I get up exactly. Five 30 it’s I like, I like consistency. It’s good. It’s good for the brain.
[00:03:09] Christina: It is good for the brain.
[00:03:10] And these are all very smart things that I should do, but that I don’t do. And I’m not like pretending, like I, you know, I, I know who I am. I know who I’m not. Um, I aspire to, to be as together as you now, you mentioned you kind of buried the lead there with, with Brett’s mental health corner that you’re normal right now.
[00:03:30] Brett: Yeah, I’m in that sweet spot. I’m not manic. I’m not depressed. I’m I’m living life as well. So it becomes very obvious in these times when I’m like completely emotionally stable, it becomes obvious that I’m also ADHD. Uh, that becomes, that becomes forefront for me. But, but yeah, no, I’m, um, living life as a typical atypia neuro atypical person.
[00:03:55] I’m sorry. Neuro neurodiverse.
[00:03:59] Christina: Is that what the term [00:04:00] is? Okay.
[00:04:02] Brett: I am. I am. I am I am I have comorbidities, uh, ADHD and bipolar. I am. I am truly neurodiverse.
[00:04:13] Christina: Yeah. I have ADHD, depression, anxiety, but I don’t know. Yeah. Yeah. But yet weirdly, I feel like, so I guess I’m technically neurodiverse.
[00:04:26] And I, I mean, I know at least the ADHD stuff, but I don’t know. I’ve, I’ve never like I’m treated, this is absolutely true. I am treated like I’m neurodiverse. Like I’ve never had any allowances ever for any of that stuff.
[00:04:41] Um, like maybe a
[00:04:43] Brett: you’re T you’re treated like you’re neuro-typical is what
[00:04:46] Christina: Sorry, sorry. That’s yes, yes. Let me re let me rephrase. I, am treated like a neuro-typical, um, and uh, not like I’m, neuro-diverse, uh, I’m treated like I’m, neuro-typical, I’ve never had any of the, like, maybe I could like [00:05:00] ask for them or whatever, but, um, I, mask really well, and so I don’t eat it’s so it’s so fucked up that people will like, you know, like, like, like Twitter, vigilante assholes will, will, uh, you know, make comments.
[00:05:13] Oh, well, you know, you, you can’t comment on this because data, data, data, data, like, it’d be like, oh, somebody makes my OCD edge. Yeah. You really shouldn’t say that. I’m like, some of us are actually OCD and I’m like, can I see your diagnosis? Cause I know I have one, you know, like, go
[00:05:28] Brett: your psychology degree?
[00:05:31] Christina: It’s completely. Right. But also like, and this may be like, well, don’t gatekeep. You can’t claim that only people who have a diagnosis can say they have it. I’m sorry. Like a, these aren’t things that you want. It’s not something you want to collect, like identities. Like I wouldn’t wish this stuff on people.
[00:05:52] Right. Like I see all these people who are like, oh, well I’m ADHD, even though I’ve never been diagnosed and I’m not treated. Okay. Maybe, [00:06:00]
[00:06:00] Brett: Sure maybe.
[00:06:01] Christina: maybe. Um, but also maybe don’t talk about it if you haven’t been diagnosed. And if you’re not on a treatment plan, just, just my opinion. I, if you want to call, if you wanna call me a fucking gatekeeper.
[00:06:11] Yeah. My gatekeeper. Because if you’re not on a treatment plan and you haven’t talked to professional, then like you’re not doing anyone. you’re doing yourself a disservice. If you actually think that you have this, and if you don’t in a bit just being performative, then you’re just being like a weird asshole who wants to collect, you know, diagnoses.
[00:06:34] Brett: So this gets interesting in the world of autism though. Uh, especially in women and older humans, um, self-diagnosis is not as big a crime in the autistic community. Most
[00:06:50] Christina: It’s.
[00:06:51] Brett: commute. No, it’s just let me, uh, most autistic communities will actually like welcome it. Basically they go by the, [00:07:00] uh, the philosophy that if you think you have autism, We will, we will assume you have autism.
[00:07:08] We will give you the benefit of the doubt. And that’s not true with any other diagnosis that I’ve ever
[00:07:13] Christina: Yeah, I’m going to be honest with you. Like the autism community can do whatever they want and that’s on them. I’m rolling my eyes extremely. And I get, I understand that people are not diagnosed and that there are doctors who won’t diagnose you and will say, well, if you’ve lived this long and if you have this, then you don’t fit these things.
[00:07:29] I would pause it that those are psychiatrists who are using older terminology, who are using older diagnostic, like credentials are probably still going on the old, you know, DSM-IV and not like the, the, the current DSM-V and whatnot. And I know that all those things exist. I get it. I’m still going to just be straight up and be like, If it were me and I’m not part of the community, so it doesn’t matter to me, but I I’m rolling my eyes.
[00:07:54] Brett: Yeah, no, I, I buy it like most people aren’t looking for [00:08:00] it. So it is, it is it’s, it’s a little bit difficult for a lot of people to get the diagnosis. And if you are suffering. From, uh, the S the symptoms or the, the characteristics of autism. Uh, it’s nice to have a community, even if you don’t have the diagnosis and to have a community that welcomes you like to, just to give you the benefit of the doubt.
[00:08:29] Like, if you can say, I have taken 20 of these online quizzes, and I really feel like this is the case for me, but I can’t afford a diagnosis. Or my, my, my, uh, counselor did not agree with me. I just, I don’t know if you share all of these traits with a
[00:08:51] Christina: look, if it’s about it’s about community.
[00:08:53] I agree with you where I disagree with you is that I think that sometimes you do have [00:09:00] fakers and I’m not saying Mo even most of the people who claim they’re autistic and aren’t are fakers, but you do have fakers. You do have people who they clearly have some sort of other psychological problem because they’re making up the fact that they have these things.
[00:09:14] But because I see this with ADHD, people with ADHD, all the time, people who are clearly not 80,
[00:09:20] Brett: Oh, sure. Well,
[00:09:21] Christina: we’ll want to claim it, but.
[00:09:23] Brett: I think autism is different than ADHD in that regard though. I think the communities are different and I think people use ADHD as an excuse way more than they use ASD as an excuse.
[00:09:33] Christina: I’m not talking about an excuse.
[00:09:35] though. I’m talking about people who want internet sympathy points. I’m talking about like Munchausen by internet people like I’m talking about people clearly have like something fucked up wrong with them.
[00:09:43] But not those things like people who like, like, there’s this, there’s this person on Twitter who I don’t follow them because I don’t want to do that. But I occasionally like, hate read their tweets because this person is just so ridiculous. Like this person [00:10:00] claims all of these identities, all of these like aspersions, all of these maladies.
[00:10:05] And it’s literally just so that they can get like attaboy internet points and it’s it’s infuriating because I’m like, okay, this is actually doing a disservice, in my opinion, to the real communities, to the real people. And, and, you know, they take up space like. And I’m not saying that it’s all people and I’m Sure.
[00:10:24] that I agree with you. I think the vast majority, if, if that’s how you see it and if you want the community and the support, that’s fine. I do think though, like, okay, I’ll give you a great example. There was actually a really good article that I read on this. So there’s this thing, and it’s actually a really controversial diagnosis.
[00:10:39] Like a lot of psychiatrists will argue that it doesn’t exist and some people say that it does, but, um, dissociative identity disorder. Um, I don’t know if you’re familiar with that or
[00:10:48] Brett: I am not.
[00:10:49] Christina: It used to be what did. it used to be? What we called multiple personalities.
[00:10:54] Brett: Okay. Okay. Yeah.
[00:10:56] Christina: And, and so, um, uh, it is considered a thing [00:11:00] where like you had, and, you know, distinct personas and, and, and people will call, if they have dissociative identity disorder, they have a system and they will have different fronts of different members of the system fronting their body at certain periods of time and, and all this stuff.
[00:11:14] Anyway, it’s now a Tik TOK, Trent. And by that, I mean that you have. Tic talkers with millions of followers. Most of them zoomers some of them a little bit older who present what it’s like to be in a system. Now, some of these people might actually have psychological problems. Whole bunch of them are just fucking fakers and, and they get millions of hits and views and all this adulation and weird stuff.
[00:11:40] And I’m like, Okay. first of all, for people who do suffer from this, and as I said, it’s actually a pretty controversial thing of whether it exists or not. I’m not a psychiatrist, I’m not a psychologist, I’m not a doctor. I can’t make a diagnosis. I’m simply pointing out that it is a controversial thing of whether it exists or not.
[00:11:55] Um, because, and, and that goes all the way back to civil, um, which, which kind of [00:12:00] like brought in into popular lexicon or whatnot. But, but, you know, but the idea is, is that it is born from trauma, not from like, you’re not born with it. Right.
[00:12:09] So, so, so it’s an interesting, you know, thing in that regard too, then that it’s not like a neurological thing. and so far as like your brain chemistry is wired a different way, like it’s apparently comes from like traumatic experiences or whatnot, which really goes back to 40 and stuff, which a lot has been disproven. But anyway, but a lot of these people like are fucking fakers. Like these are our kids who are just wanting to, to like be cool on the internet and like having a flection on the internet.
[00:12:39] And it is fascinating. But if you’re waiting to see, and like, to me, it’s one of those things where I’m like, okay, what. this whole, What that whole trend is doing. And I’m not trying to compare people who self diagnosed with autism to that. I’m really not. But you have this like momentum in, it’s weird where people are like claiming.[00:13:00]
[00:13:00] To have shit that they don’t have because they feel like it gives them credibility or makes them interesting or whatever. And, and like, I don’t know that just pisses me off.
[00:13:14] Brett: What I would say is if you are self-diagnosing with ASD, for the sake of finding a community of people like you, that can support and answer questions. That’s great. If, if you are self-diagnosed, I would be very hesitant about declaring yourself ASD in the wider internet or in life, uh, like to, to make a statement.
[00:13:43] I am an autistic person without a diagnosis is very different than saying, Hey, here’s this community of people that accept me and believe me, and, and, and I can find support and answers here. Like, I think that’s great for people.[00:14:00]
[00:14:00] Christina: No, I think that’s great for people.
[00:14:01] too, but Yeah, I agree with that. And I would also say if you have taken all those self-diagnosis things and you don’t have it and I can understand it can be expensive, it can be hard to find a doctor. I would encourage just like I would encourage any person who has any sort of like mental health struggle or, you know, whatever, like neuro-diverse struggle to actually try and you have to keep trying and get the diagnosis.
[00:14:21] Brett: no, I, I agree with that, especially if you have insurance and can’t afford to do so.
[00:14:27] Christina: yeah. Uh, I mean, although honestly, like I’m going to, I’m going to be kind of an asshole here. Even if you don’t something like your mental health is important enough, like find a way to make it work. Whether that means like looking at government assistance, whether that means like finding other things like
[00:14:47] Brett: had to borrow money to get my ADHD diagnosis.
[00:14:50] Christina: yeah. Yeah. And, and, and I think that that was, yeah. It’s but, but you made it work, right? Yeah.
[00:14:56] Brett: made it work and it changed my life. So.
[00:14:58] Christina: That’s what I’m saying. Like [00:15:00] I paid, there was a time when I went off my parents' insurance and I was allowed to stay on for like an extra year, which was amazing. Um, and Mashable didn’t have insurance yet, and it was cheaper for me to, um, be on Cobra, um, because my medication prices were so much and Cobra was like,
[00:15:25] Brett: cover is not cheap.
[00:15:26] Christina: It was like $1,200 a month or something. And, and I wasn’t, I wasn’t making a ton of money. Um, I mean, I was making more than I had been, but, but I wasn’t making a ton of money and I paid that out of pocket and, um, I didn’t get any, you know, help, you know, with that, I was, I was, I was paying for it and, and I did it and it was the right thing to do.
[00:15:45] And I had like, remember how to like a colleague and, and she had some issues with depression and whatnot. She was like, oh, you know, I just, I don’t want to, you know, pay like her. I think her rates were going to be way lower than mine. Cause she didn’t already have a diagnosis. And this is before Obamacare and whatnot.
[00:15:59] And I was like, [00:16:00] You, you have to do it like you. I know that it can be a burden. I’m not trying, I’m not speak. I look, I’m speaking from a place of privilege now, but I haven’t always had a place of privilege. And like you and I both had so many experiences with the bad doctors and having to go through the ringer of diagnoses and what Do you have and what don’t you have?
[00:16:19] Like, I was misdiagnosed as being bipolar. I’m not bipolar. I was put on lithium, which was terrible. Um, you, you go through a lot and it’s shitty, but you do it in my opinion, because it’s the right thing to do. And when I cure people and I’m not talking about autism specifically, I hear this with ADHD a lot.
[00:16:36] And it pisses me off because I hear people saying, oh, well, I don’t have the money for this or that or this or that. And I’m thinking, you know, if it’s really important to you and it’s your health, you borrow the money. You find a way to make it work. Like I, I’m sorry.
[00:16:53] Brett: do, you know, do you want to know how much my ADHD meds would cost? If I had to pay out of pocket
[00:16:59] Christina: [00:17:00] Uh, probably like seven, $800.
[00:17:02] Brett: a thousand dollars a month,
[00:17:04] Christina: Yeah,
[00:17:05] Brett: just, just for the ADHD meds and then the bipolar meds I take would be another like 1800 on top of that. It’s ridiculous.
[00:17:15] Christina: no, that is ridiculous. And at that point you can’t afford it. You have to have insurance of some sort, which thankfully we do now have a way it’s not always the best or the least expensive, but there are plans you can get on like,
[00:17:27] Brett: a different world than it
[00:17:28] Christina: it’s a different world. I was going to say like a decade ago.
[00:17:31] it was not that way.
[00:17:32] And that’s why I bristle a little bit. Cause I was paying because I had a similar thing where, um, the, um, Modafinil that I was on, I was on the Modafinil. I was on effects, her and I was on Dexedrine and the Modafinil alone was like $1,500 a month. And still to this day, even though I like Provigil, I can’t get that covered.
[00:17:51] Um, because like, I remember like the insurance covered it for like three months and it was gone and I think even Microsoft’s insurance, I think that it would be a [00:18:00] stretch. I don’t need it now. And, and I mean, I would like it, but I don’t need it. Um, it would, it would more be for me wanting to like, do nootropics and like, you, know, it feels super powerful rather than like actually treating
[00:18:11] Brett: you can buy a , uh, on the, uh, on the internet. It’s pretty cheap.
[00:18:17] Christina: Yeah. I know. I know. Uh, cause I looked into that and when, when I actually looked into going to Canada at one point to get it, um, and, and there, you know, at this point, like I think like the pads have expired and stuff like that, but, um, yeah. I mean, some of the stuff like that was, that was the reason I paid the, the Cobra because my medication would have been 1800.
[00:18:36] And so the Cobra was 1200. And so it was like, well, just, you know, keep paying the Cobra. Right. Like just keep doing that. And, and that was, you know, I think that was probably, um, I don’t know, like a quarter of my pre-tax income. Like I was paying as much for my insurance. I was paying for rent. And, uh, and like, [00:19:00] again, like I really part of this look at me from a place of privilege, but also there are systems, there are things that can make it work.
[00:19:06] I’m just, my point is just like, I I’ve gone on like a, an old woman tangent, but like, and I’m not trying to be gatekeepery except to say like, do the work, like it just pisses me off. And I’m, again, I’m not talking about people who are autistic, because I do feel like that’s a different, more difficult diagnosis, but especially with other stuff, a nobody should want these diagnoses.
[00:19:27] And sometimes I feel like people like, feel like they want to be part of a club and I’m like, I would very, I’d be very happy if I didn’t have this stuff. Like. Uh, like, you know, can my ADHD sometimes be useful and helpful? Yeah, it can, but sometimes it can also be really fucking debilitating and terrible.
[00:19:46] I would, I would not wish depression on anyone and whatever creative moments I’ve had from it, which get less and less each time I have a, uh, a depressive episode. I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Right. So, [00:20:00] you know, I’m sure you wouldn’t wish, you know, you’re bipolar, even though that has things that can make you unique and you have good art, you wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
[00:20:07] And so I feel like sometimes I feel like there are people who like don’t have those things. You don’t recognize that they’re like, I don’t want this. I don’t see it the way, like some people who are deaf or blind, like are like genuinely like, love about themselves. And I think even autistic people who are like, I, I love this about myself, cool.
[00:20:25] With, with things like depression and anxiety and ADHD and bipolar, like I think most of us would, would not want that. So. If, if you, if you feel like you have those things, like, I don’t know.
[00:20:37] you gotta fucking do the work to get the diagnosis, get the treatment, get the help, because it’s how we, I don’t know.
[00:20:43] It’s how we function.
[00:20:45] Brett: Yeah, but do do, if you think, if, if you’re hearing all of these people talk about what they have and it, you totally, 100% relate, do the work, like get the diagnosis, find out because [00:21:00] that’s how treatment start.
[00:21:01] Christina: Well, I was going to say that’s the biggest thing for me is the self-diagnosis. I think that’s the biggest thing that scares me. And like for autism, maybe it’s a little different because you know the treatments there, it’s not like you can take them. It’s not like you can take a pill.
[00:21:13] Um, and maybe having the community is good, but you could have like treatment and therapies and stuff that you could do. Right. Um, but just being, just being self-diagnosed and being part of a community is not going to get you treatment. Like it’s not like, so, so when I see it, like self-diagnosed ADHD, Cool.
[00:21:32] So you’re just untreated. Cause that doesn’t work, you know, like you’re not helping anybody, you’re not helping yourself. Like you get to use the hashtag actually ADHD or whatever. But, but like, I don’t know. Anyway, that’s my rant. Sorry.
[00:21:47] Brett: w our mental health corner got, uh, got long.
[00:21:51] Christina: It did get
[00:21:52] Brett: and I’ll be honest. I don’t have the heart to rerecord our work site. That I will summarize [00:22:00] that, that whole, uh, hands-on lab that we were building up to at Oracle, that I was super stressed out about. It went great. We, we beat all of our metrics that we were projecting, everything went super swell.
[00:22:14] And then immediately back into the backlog of work that got behind while we were working on the lab.
[00:22:24] Christina: So no time off for the weird, I mean, you will have time off next week, but, but they were like, but they were like, Nope, sorry, sorry, bitches. Back to work.
[00:22:32] Brett: Yeah. My PM like just, I had like three meetings with my PM the day after the hands-on lab. And I learned a whole bunch of new acronyms that,
[00:22:45] Christina: Uh huh.
[00:22:45] Brett: that apparently I shouldn’t things like KPI.
[00:22:49] Christina: Uh, keep, uh, key performance indicator.
[00:22:51] Brett: Like people throw these letters around like, like some indie developers was have any clue what they’re talking about, but
[00:22:58] Christina: right. And you’re like, [00:23:00] you’re, you’re like 4k, I’m sorry. yeah.
[00:23:02] Um, my OKR, do you guys have those
[00:23:06] Brett: Um, maybe I I’m still learning. Yeah. That sounds right.
[00:23:11] Christina: Yeah. Okay. So, so there are OKR is there, which are different from KPIs though. A KPI can be used in conjunction with an, I don’t even know, like yeah. Acronym soup, man.
[00:23:20] That’s if anybody wanted to like ask, like, what’s my takeaway from like four years in corporate America, a lot of fucking acronyms.
[00:23:28] Brett: Yeah. Yeah. And I’m, I’m not shy about asking, like people say things in meetings, especially when they’re talking about like Oracle services, like. A T P and a D w a yeah. Autonomous data warehouse. It, I spent a meeting having no idea what people were talking about and finally just asked, Hey, what do these acronyms stand for?
[00:23:57] Got my answer. Did my research [00:24:00] things make a lot more sense when you can understand the words people are saying, or the letters in this case? Anyway, um, I, I will repeat the part that we lost in our first tragic mishap that, um, I added zoom buttons to my, uh, my touch
[00:24:22] Christina: non touch bar, your non touch bar. touch
[00:24:24] Brett: Right, right. Yeah. So for anyone who missed it, I’m, I’m running a touch bar simulator on my Mac mini with a bunch of like crazy better touch tool scripts and, and fun buttons.
[00:24:37] And all of it would work if I had a real touch bar as well, but I no longer do well. I do want my work machine, but I’m trying to keep that one pretty clean. I, I, I do, and I keep it like company fresh. Um, but anyway, I added zoom buttons that give me, so I stole them. I stole the code from the stream deck plugin for zoom, [00:25:00] uh, and it lets me control, mute, and video and share it.
[00:25:06] Uh, even when zoom is not foreground. So I, at the top of my screen, I always have big red button telling me that I’m muted and I can click it from anywhere and unmute myself and video and sharing, et cetera. It even has a leave button that hit it, hits the leave button and hits the, okay. So in one tap, I can leave a meeting without having to focus zoom because you know how like some meetings, there’s a bunch of people and you don’t bother to turn on video and you don’t bother to turn on your microphone, but you also don’t want to be the last person left in the room with no video and no mic, because then it’s obvious that you were off doing something else.
[00:25:49] So like, you want to be able to make that quick exit when everyone says goodbye. So now I have a button for that. I just hit the button and I’m out of the room and I don’t ha I don’t get the, this meeting has been ended by [00:26:00] the host message.
[00:26:01] Christina: Nice. So you can Irish goodbye, everybody real quickly with like a, with, with the click of a button. I like it.
[00:26:06] Brett: Yes. I feel like that’s probably racist the Irish people, but I’ve never fully, I guess I’ve also heard it like the French goodbye. And I think they’re the same thing. I think people just associate rude behavior with whatever, whatever cultural group
[00:26:23] Christina: This, uh, one of my former managers, Tim, I love him so much, but he’s actually my second favorite manager. Well, now I had, well, I’ve had so many managers, God, um, last year alone, six. Oh yeah. That’s too many, too many. Um, everyone would agree with That Um, but, but Tim was gray, but Tim is famous for that, where you’re in a room with him and all of a sudden he just disappears.
[00:26:47] He’s gone. He’s Irish goodbyes and everybody. And we just crack up because he’s the nicest guy, but it’s so funny. Cause that’s just one of those things. He’s just like, they’ll just be like we’re Timco. Oh, okay. You just, you just peaced out. [00:27:00] Like it’s hilarious.
[00:27:01] Brett: Nice. So, uh, in other big news,
[00:27:05] Christina: Yes.
[00:27:06] Brett: I feel like we hit another topic before this, in our previous recording. P man people are really missing out that first
[00:27:13] Christina: really hard. It was good. It was, it was good. I had like my, I had my half of it, but that would be incredibly boring to listen to
[00:27:20] Brett: Yeah. I just, I can’t even do my half of anyway. Um, uh, so for, for listeners who, who might be new to the show, I have a kitten named nobody, uh, bod for short, and
[00:27:36] Christina: best.
[00:27:37] Brett: she was named because she was found. As a stray and a cemetery, we named her after the main character from a book by Neil Gaiman called the graveyard book, uh, in which a young, a young boy is, uh, finds his way to the cemetery after a gruesome murder and is raised by ghost [00:28:00] and the ghost named him nobody.
[00:28:01] So we named our kitten, nobody, even though she’s a girl, I feel like bod is a pretty unisex name. Um, and I thought now that she’s getting up to about 10 months old, it was time to let the author of the graveyard book know that, that he had a child in the world. And so I tweeted Neil Gaiman with a very 240 character version of the story and he retweeted it.
[00:28:28] And now my kitten is famous, not like crazy famous. She got like 1100 likes on the photo
[00:28:34] Christina: I mean, that’s pretty.
[00:28:36] Brett: Got a, a few quote tweets, a few, a few comments. No, nothing not amazing. Like, I, I have more followers than she does, like, and I wasn’t even rescued from a cemetery, so it’s not crazy, but
[00:28:50] Christina: but still that’s pretty great. That’s still, that’s pretty great. Now, now did, now did, um, did, were you one who tweeted it from your account or did you tweet it from her account?
[00:28:58] Brett: oh, she doesn’t have an account. I learned my [00:29:00] lesson when I had an account for my pit bull. Uh, and she had a ton of followers and everyone loved her and then she died and it was just too painful to like,
[00:29:10] Christina: Oh yeah, 100%.
[00:29:12] Brett: and every pet will eventually die. So I don’t think I’m making any more pet account
[00:29:19] Christina: No, I, I think that that’s fair. So I didn’t get a Neil Gaiman retweet and, um, uh, I didn’t get as many likes, but, um, I did get a GitHub retweet or quote tweet, which was nice. Um, so, um, actually this was kind of a cool thing that I found. And ironically, here’s, what’s hilarious about this, the tweet, it got 201 retweets 31 quote tweets, 568 likes.
[00:29:41] So actually really, really high retweet to like ratio, um, like honestly, um, and, and, and, um, the tweet was not customized at all. I found this thing online and then I clicked on the tweet button and I guess it was, you know, it was whatever the developer had Britain in, um, in his [00:30:00] description, but it’s that classic after dark screensavers rebuilt using CSS animations, um, Hm.
[00:30:07] I will put this in the show notes because it is awesome and is also in GitHub. But, um, he recreated like all the classic after dark max screensavers in CSS.
[00:30:17] Brett: Nice.
[00:30:17] Christina: And, um, and so what the GitHub team did is, uh, they quote tweeted it, but they created a Jif. That’s like an amalgamation of a bunch of different screensavers.
[00:30:29] So that was, that was neat. But, um, but I was shocked cause like that I, I just, I found that thing and I thought, I was like, oh, this is neat. Um, I’ll share. And I just clicked on the tweet button. I was expecting it to pop up and like, let me customize it. But it didn’t, it just like send it out, you know, as it was.
[00:30:47] And I was like, fine, I’ll just, I’ll just send it out like this, no big deal. Um, and I wasn’t expecting it cause it was like not customized. It was like not gonna, no one’s gonna care, whatever. Um, and apparently had been on hacker news a few days earlier and I’d missed it and I saw it someplace [00:31:00] else. I don’t remember.
[00:31:01] And I was like, Oh, this is awesome. And then like whole bunch of people really liked it. Cause people really like retro staff cause who doesn’t. Uh,
[00:31:12] Brett: I saw some, some designer re they made a bunch of, uh, HTML web development book covers in the style of old VHS, like eighties, VHS, uh, uh, like
[00:31:28] Christina: that’s awesome.
[00:31:29] Brett: would buy the blank VHS tape, but like the Maxell whatever. Um, in, in the style of those, uh, covers and they were, they were brilliant. I’ll never find that the, I saw it on Instagram.
[00:31:42] I’ll probably never find it again.
[00:31:44] Christina: Yeah. I just, I tried to look, the only thing I found this is actually pretty awesome was somebody made fake VHS covers for new shows and movies. And this was apparently years ago. Oh, it was from Gizmodo, from. 2015. [00:32:00] Um, but somebody, but yeah, that, yeah, that’s closest I can find, which is different, but they took things like interstellar and breaking bad and game of Thrones and made like, but actually made like this guy actually, didn’t just like, do the mock-ups.
[00:32:11] He like actually made covers and printed them out and put them in the, um, sleeves, which is awesome. Um, so like that, that’s actually a pretty cool, but, uh, no. Yeah. I wish that you could find those. I remember when panic, I still have them somewhere panic made boxes that you could buy for their software that were styled, like Atari games.
[00:32:36] Brett: I think I remember that. Yeah.
[00:32:38] Christina: And, uh, it was a target and television and, and I bought them because I just thought it was the coolest thing in the whole world. And, and, and, and, and I was like, this is why panic is like my favorite company maybe, ever.
[00:32:50] Brett: What’s in panic and I make a hardware, a video game console of some
[00:32:54] Christina: Yes.
[00:32:54] it actually it’s up for pre or it’s up for pre-order now. Um, they’ll, they’ll ship in 2022 at this [00:33:00] point. Um, mine, I pre-order will be here in 2021, but they, they did it with a teenage engineering. Um, we should get cable on some time to talk about it. Um, and, um, I, I got to play with it almost two years ago at XO XO, uh, 2019.
[00:33:16] It’s the last XO XO. Cause they, um, didn’t do it last year. They’re not doing it this year. Hopefully it will be back next year if people can fucking vaccinate themselves and end all this nonsense. Um, and I have to say it was like, there’s like a photo of me playing on it and it’s like pure. Like, it’s just, it’s just the greatest.
[00:33:37] Um, but it’s a, they have like a dev kit that, that, um, I think, uh, people will be able to, to get where people can build games, sport and stuff using lists. And, and I think they’ve got like another, uh, not list blue, uh, and, and, uh, and something else. Um, but it’s, uh, it’s teenage engineering did the hardware stuff and, uh, in teenage engineering stuff is just the coolest and, um, [00:34:00] yeah, it’s, it’s awesome.
[00:34:01] So it will finally be here sometime next year. I will have it, um, in 2021, at some point I was able to be in the first 20,000 orders. So
[00:34:10] Brett: Speaking of pure joy from nerdy things. Do you want to do a notion?
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[00:36:24] Brett: That was excellent. Nice job, Christina.
[00:36:27] Christina: Thank you. Thank you.
[00:36:28] Brett: Um, so in addition to being Friday, the 13th happy reinstatement day, do you know about this?
[00:36:37] Christina: No, I don’t.
[00:36:38] Brett: So a certain, uh, pillow executive,
[00:36:43] Christina: Oh yeah.
[00:36:44] Brett: a vendor of fine pillow wares, uh, made a statement on, uh, Steve Bannon’s podcast that on August 13th, the president could be reinstated. I don’t know how [00:37:00] the fuck he thought this would happen.
[00:37:02] Christina: Wow.
[00:37:03] Brett: But there is, uh, you know, community of Q people that that believe today is the day that Donald Trump gets his presidency back. Uh, there is no constitutional way that this could possibly happen. Um, like the Donald Trump is no longer part of the federal government and therefore the chain of command goes to a thousand million people before it gets to him.
[00:37:31] Christina: Yeah, He’s not part of it at all. Like he he’s, he’s not in the Senate. He’s not in the house. He’s not anything, uh, you know, he could potentially run for how seat.
[00:37:42] Brett: his only way back in is through some form of election. And we can just pray that that’s never going to happen again.
[00:37:49] Christina: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, genuinely my hope is that he loses interest more and more, especially now that he no longer has like a way to communicate with people. And by [00:38:00] that, I mean, like he no longer has a way for people to like actually have him on social media. right? Cause like no one read his blog and, and, um, Fox.
[00:38:09] I think only, only that, uh, the hag Maria Bartiromo like is really fucking with him and like getting money interviews, but they’re even like, pulling like, like, like YouTube is even pulling in her views with him on, on Fox and stuff. When he says like, you know, like election misinformation stuff. And like those channels, like Fox doesn’t want to have their channel struck.
[00:38:30] So they’ll cut. They’ll cut part of the, the presidents or the former president’s remarks, um, from interviews that he does on like Fox news. And then, and then the Trump cronies yell at the Fox news host. And like one of the guys, it was like a stalwart, like diehard Trumpy. And they turn on him so fast and he was so mad and they came back around and they’re like, oh, it wasn’t his fault.
[00:38:50] It was this other thing. But I hope that’s a lesson to him is see as, Yeah.
[00:38:53] you see how quick, like it wasn’t your fault, but they were so quick to blame you and turn on you. There is no [00:39:00] loyalty from Donald Trump and Trump land. Like they want everyone else to be loyal to them forever, but they have no loyalty.
[00:39:05] They will fucking turn on you in a second.
[00:39:08] Brett: He won’t help Rudy Giuliani with his legal costs. And Rudy Giuliani is now doing cameo
[00:39:15] Christina: Oh, my God.
[00:39:16] Brett: for
[00:39:17] Christina: is on cameo.
[00:39:18] Brett: She can get Rudy Giuliani to perjure himself to whoever you want.
[00:39:23] Christina: See, I mean, I wouldn’t because I would just feel too bad, but there’s a big part of me that would love to pay $275 for him to just be like, I’m the biggest asshole in the whole world. My children hate me. And, um, and, and I, and you know, like it, would, it would just be great. Like I would totally, totally do that.
[00:39:43] Brett: if it didn’t involve giving $275 to Rudy Giuliani, I would want to do that.
[00:39:50] Christina: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this is, oh my God. This is hilarious. I’m looking this up now. Yeah. Rudy Giuliani’s cameo. Um, he responds in 21 [00:40:00] hours. He is seven five point overviews and 226 people in his gang club. Oh. And his price has gone up to $375.
[00:40:07] Brett: Oh, wow. Really, really tapping the scale out there.
[00:40:11] Christina: Wow. Uh, uh, the, I doubt you’ve read it, but, um, it’s a good, um, um, read or listened to I, because I also got the audio book, but the, the newest Michael Wolf book, um, about like the days, like starting from, uh, from, from election night, like leaving up to, you know, like the, um, uh, January 6th and, and beyond, or whatnot, um, is really, really good.
[00:40:37] And, uh, like it’s, it’s landslide. Like it’s, it’s fantastic actually. Uh, he’s a, he’s a piece of shit. And, uh, I’ve had my own weird things with him personally, before, like I sort of interviewed for a job with him, but it was the most bizarre job interview of my life. I think I’ve talked about this before, so I won’t get into that again, but, uh, [00:41:00] um, but the book is, is really good.
[00:41:01] Like I read, um, um, you know, uh, the, the first one, um, like a fade inferior or whatever, like, um, and that was, that was pretty good, but this one has like a Fire and fury. that’s it? I didn’t read the second one, uh, because, uh, it was all about the Mueller investigation. I, I never cared about the Mueller investigation.
[00:41:21] Um, to be honest, I, I knew that was just going to be a whole bunch of, I knew that I knew that was going to turn out the way that it turned out as much corruption as there was. I was like, Rachel Maddow. I was going too far down these rabbit holes and, and, and could, could do better things with her time. Um, but, uh, but landslide is great, cause it’s just the most gossipy, just like it is just pure gossip.
[00:41:45] And the hilarious thing is the people who kind of pitch themselves as the heroes is the same ones are. Objectively speaking, still the worst fucking people, because these were just like the cronies who stood with him the whole damn time. And then at the [00:42:00] very end, they’re like trying to talk him out of like, they’re trying to like talk reason to him.
[00:42:03] They’re trying to like tell him he lost without like telling him he lost. If you’re trying to like convince him to have an orderly transition to power. And then when it’s clear, he’s not doing it. They’re trying to kind of do stuff behind the scenes. Like they’re trying to, like once they realize how far off the wheels things are, they’re trying to like, not let the world fall apart, but what winds up happening when they realize again, cause there’s no loyalty in this place is that then like Trump, all of a sudden starts talking to Giuliani again.
[00:42:28] And he and Rudy hadn’t been talking for months and all of a sudden he has time for Giuliani again. And, and, and they all were just like, get him off the phone with Rudy because Rudy. Bullshit. And in his, in his mind, and Rudy’s a drunk all the time. And like even Jenna Ellis at one point who like came and she was like, I’m taking over the, the, the legal investigation and this and that.
[00:42:47] And like, she has no legal experience. And, and just, just like from a small town lawyer, and even at a certain point, even, she was like, Yeah.
[00:42:54] I’m done like this. This is too much for even me. And it’s just so funny to like, read about like, [00:43:00] just That the,
[00:43:03] Brett: That is the salacious content that people want. For sure.
[00:43:06] Christina: oh no. It’s. So is, and then what’s, what’s really hilarious is like hope Hicks who had been like his closest, you know, like person, like, like his daughter basically. Right. Like, and, and he clearly wanted to fuck her as well. Um, but, but she was like the Trump whispers, what they called her, you know, she went to Fox news and then she came back and she was there for a long haul.
[00:43:28] You know, she got COVID the same time he did. And she was pretty sick with it. And he started like jokingly, but not really blaming her on giving it to him. And that was kind of it for her. She was kinda like, I was really sick with this and, and then you’re like blaming me and then you’re not taking any of the mask stuff seriously.
[00:43:47] So she basically pieced out like basically after election day, she was like, basically it was gone. And it’s, it’s just hilarious how all of these people who like they were too stupid [00:44:00] to leave, you know, when they could have maybe still been able to get book deals or, you know, like long lasting TV contracts on conservative networks or, you know, you know, the stuff that you do.
[00:44:10] Cause there’s a certain point where like, I would argue anybody in the Trump administration is, is hard. You know, I would say I would hope irredeemably, but I know that’s not true, but the people. Lasted the whole four years are the ones who were definitely gonna be the worst. Cause you never want to be the last one to leave the party or the company or anything.
[00:44:30] Like you never want to be last. Like you never want it because cause then you’re tainted with that forever. And so you see all these people who like, are realizing that they have fucked up and are going to be tainted with this forever and they’re still like, Yeah.
[00:44:43] Um, I’m not going in. Um,
[00:44:46] Brett: Yeah.
[00:44:46] Christina: really interesting.
[00:44:47] Brett: Yeah. Like there’s a, there’s a certain point where you can get out and people feel sorry for you. You’re you’re like a veteran of something bad and people have sympathy.
[00:44:56] Christina: No, especially if you’re like early on, like, like, Yeah.
[00:44:58] like I would say like, [00:45:00] uh, like what’s his face? Um, the guy who was the head of the DNC or the RNC,
[00:45:03] Brett: Oh yeah,
[00:45:04] Christina: right? Like he was out almost immediately and he’s fine. Um, even though he’s like a party crony or whatnot, people were like, he’s fine. Um, uh, Bolton or whatever, who, you know, like was able to kind of write his stuff like there. Yeah. There’s Sean Spicer. You know, like
[00:45:22] Brett: doing cameo.
[00:45:24] Christina: of course he is, of course gets like the whole grift is, is now all about that stuff. I mean, I liked cameo so much better when it was Lindsay Lohan’s mom trying to charge, like she was, she was trying to charge like $350 for cameos. And then when you would watch some of them, they were like terrible.
[00:45:40] And you’re like, Hey, who wants anything from Lindsay Lohan? His mom be like that much. Really it’s like, it was, it was hilarious. But yeah. Um, it’s, it’s sad slash fitting to me that cameo.
[00:45:55] is like, at this point, just right-wing rejects. But, [00:46:00] um, but yeah, that, that book, I, I, if you’d like a good salacious, gossipy said, see, read, I have to, I have to give it to him.
[00:46:08] He’s he’s a troll and a cretin, but Michael Wolf writes good GOs. I, I can’t, uh, I can’t undermine that. Like, yeah.
[00:46:17] Brett: I’m going to, I’m going to draw a very sketchy line here. And I’m not sure I like where it’s going, but speaking, speaking of Lindsay, Lohan’s mom,
[00:46:28] Christina: Yes.
[00:46:29] Brett: Hillary Duff,
[00:46:31] Christina: Oh yes.
[00:46:32] Brett: is starring.
[00:46:34] Christina: yes. This is a perfect segue. Absolutely. Because Hillary won in the Hillary vs. Lindsey, like battle, like Hillary won, like, like she didn’t move wise, like in the day she didn’t, but long game, Hillary fucking won.
[00:46:49] Brett: So she’s, she’s starring in, uh, a spinoff of how I met your mother cleverly titled how I met your father. Have you seen this?
[00:46:59] Christina: Um, [00:47:00] I saw that they finally picked it up. Um, I thought the casting, yeah,
[00:47:03] Brett: 10 episodes, not out yet, but, and I won’t get any screeners on it or anything, but it actually, like, I think, I think it might be watchable.
[00:47:12] Christina: No, I think it might be too. And, and the thing is, um, cause originally it was going to be, I think with the actress that it played his wife, that they then like, you know, the way they did the fucking finale, which we already talked about how now is terrible. I’m not going to get into that again, but now this is like not the same universe, but it is the same con seat.
[00:47:34] And um, and it’s from the same people. Um, and uh, yeah, the cast looks good. I think, I think I could be into this too. So it’s so it’s Hilary Duff. Um, Chris Lowell, who was on Barranca Mars, he was Piz, um, uh, fancier, uh, razor from Grown-ish, um, a guy from the Royals. Um, a girl from space force [00:48:00] and a guy who I’ve never heard of.
[00:48:03] Um, but, uh, yeah, I could be down for this. This is, this is going to be a Hulu thing. 10 episodes.
[00:48:11] Brett: Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, I jumped, I jumped ahead. We weren’t going to get to TV till the end, but that line was just hanging there.
[00:48:19] Christina: I’m glad you did that. No, no, no, no. That’s perfect. And Yeah,
[00:48:22] Good and good for Hillary Duff. Honestly, she’s had, um, yeah, cause like in the day, like, cause it was like, like Hillary versus Lindsey, right? Like they fought over Aaron Carter and they fought over like who is gonna be the Disney like movie queen and like Lindsey one in that kind of sense.
[00:48:39] Like she had more breakouts and got to do mean girls and all that stuff. And um, and, and partied with cooler people and, and Hillary, you know, was like boring and normal. And then like, I think she got married young and, and like had a baby young and just kind of. Disappeared for a while, but like, she’s come back then.
[00:48:59] She did, [00:49:00] um, uh, uh, uh, younger, I think. And she was supposed to do a hilly, uh, Lizzie McGuire reboot for Disney plus then like Disney was like, oh, this isn’t, this isn’t like friendly enough bras like this, this is too adult
[00:49:15] Brett: Yeah,
[00:49:15] Christina: and which is stupid. So that like ended. But, uh, but she’s like had like a nice like career Renaissance.
[00:49:21] So good for her I always liked her better,
[00:49:23] Brett: What’s her name? That was in, uh, this is us.
[00:49:27] Christina: um, anymore.
[00:49:27] Brett: Mandy Moore many more went on to great things
[00:49:31] Christina: Yes she did.
[00:49:32] Brett: after her one hit musical career.
[00:49:35] Christina: Yeah. Well, she had like two,
[00:49:36] Brett: Sure, sure. Good enough.
[00:49:39] Christina: well, I mean, cause, cause, cause cause a walk to remember was like, that was the long tail thing, but
[00:49:43] Brett: know that song. Never even heard that.
[00:49:46] Christina: no, it was a movie and there were like three songs.
[00:49:48] Brett: okay.
[00:49:49] Christina: But, but Yeah,
[00:49:50] like the, the big song was, was when she was like 16 candy and then, and then she had like a few others, but yeah.
[00:49:56] Um, she was also married to Ryan Adams, [00:50:00] which ended up not being great for her, unfortunately. Um, but, uh, Yeah, no, she’s totally had a career Renaissance and I have to say I was wrong when this is us like premiered. I was like, this is a great show, but it stars all these people. Um, and, and there’s no way this is going to last.
[00:50:17] There’s no way that a show that Mandy Moore is fronting in 2016 is going to last. I like call. I was like, this is going to be a total flop. I was so wrong. And I’m really glad I was wrong. Right.
[00:50:27] Brett: show was amazing.
[00:50:29] Christina: yeah. Yeah, it was, it was, I think, I think it’s still Erin.
[00:50:32] Brett: I don’t know. I’m a little behind on I’m on the last season. I let it go for a little while, but I was constantly in awe of the writing on that show and the acting. It was all
[00:50:46] Christina: no, the acting is really good.
[00:50:47] Yeah. Um, um, the guy Fred, the, um, OJ, Esther, Elena I’m Sterling brown, um, from, uh, he’s so good. Well, he was so good in the OJ show. Oh, that’s another, we’re just talking about TV now. It’s fine. Um, [00:51:00] they released the first trailer for American crime story. The impeachment about the Clinton Lewinsky scandal.
[00:51:05] Brett: Oh yeah, yeah. Yeah. I saw that on Twitter.
[00:51:09] Christina: I’m so excited about this. Have you, have you watched the other American crime story stuff? So there was the one on OJ Simpson people versus OJ Simpson, which okay. That, in my opinion, I’m not even joking here. I think the people versus OJ Simpson is some of the best television to come out in the last decade, came out five years ago.
[00:51:27] It’s fantastic. Sterling K brown was, um, what’s his face? Um, the, uh, um, prosecuting, um, Um, uh, attorney can’t think of Chris, uh, can’t think his last name anyway. Anyway, he was perfect. He won an Emmy for it. They, it swept the Emmys that year as it.
[00:51:41] should have. Um, and then the second season was the assassination of Gianni Versace, and that was also excellent.
[00:51:49] And, um, they were then going to be doing one on Katrina that they scrapped. And, um, now they’re, they’re doing the, the, um, the Clinton, um, [00:52:00] thing and the casting is a little, the casting is a little weird. The casting is the only thing that I’m kind of like, but I have faith that it’s going to be good. Um, they got, um, uh, Sarah Paulson, like put on a fat suit and a bunch of prosthetics and she is Linda trip, which I think is great.
[00:52:19] Um, beanie Feldstein is Monica.
[00:52:22] Brett: Okay. I don’t know who that is. I know who Monica is. I don’t know who beanie Feldstein.
[00:52:27] Christina: Yeah, you do. She, she was, she was in, um, um, um, um, uh, um,
[00:52:34] Brett: Booksmart. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:52:37] Christina: Yeah, Um, she’s, she’s the brunette and Booksmart. She was also in Ladybird and, um, she’s Jonah Hill’s, um, little sister. Here’s the thing I can. say this on this podcast. I can’t say this on another things. I can’t say this on Twitter, um, is very pretty, Monica is actually, I think, much more conventionally attractive.
[00:52:58] That’s my only thing with that. Cause I [00:53:00] think being is going to do a great job, but like Monica’s prettier was prayer. Like that’s my only thing because usually it’s the inverse, you know, like you cast for your people.
[00:53:11] Brett: Yeah, for sure.
[00:53:12] Christina: You know, um, but, but Monica was very attractive. Um, like, like people made fun of her a lot because she had a round face and was, oh my God, a size 12 and whatnot.
[00:53:21] I was like, fuck off. Right. But like, uh, you know, they were shitty to her for so many reasons, but, but I, I, I w I would pause, especially the way they made her up with her wig and steps. Like the photos I saw, I was like, oh, Monica is prettier, but I think beanie is going to do a great job. Um, uh, Clive Owen is bill Clinton that doesn’t quite track with
[00:53:38] Brett: Yeah, that’s a weird, that’s a weird choice.
[00:53:41] Christina: Edie, Falco as a, as Hillary.
[00:53:43] Um, but I will say like, Cuba didn’t look anything like OJ and was still great. So, um, and, uh, Ross from friends was, uh, was the Kardashians, uh, in the OJ show and he was great. Uh, John Travolta [00:54:00] was, was fucking Robert Shapiro. And it was great. Like the OJ show, the two OJ things to watch for anyone who’s listening.
[00:54:07] And also this is good homework for you in the future. But the first one I would say to watch is the people versus OJ Simpson, American crime story. I think it’s on Netflix. I’m almost positive. It is. If it’s not it’s on Hulu, um, because it was an FX, um, uh, show the other one. Um, and this one I know is on Netflix, but it’s also on Disney plus if you get their whole subscription thing, cause it was ESPN thing is like the six hour 30 for 30, like OJ Simpson documentary that, um, won both the Emmy and, um, the OJ OJ made in America at one, both the Emmy and the Oscar, uh, shouldn’t be possible because.
[00:54:50] But, but it did because it won the Emmy. Cause it, Aaron television would win the Oscar cause it was actually broadcast in theaters. And so it qualified under the documentary rules. [00:55:00] Um, the academies have since switched to their eligibility to be like, Okay.
[00:55:04] you can have one. Um, but, um, but that is, is like a tremendous, tremendous, um, uh, film.
[00:55:12] Um, I would watch the, the maiden, uh, the, the people versus OJ Simpson first because it’s more fun. But up a made in America is like one of those, like, because it really goes into like his background, his life story, his whole thing, like it really does like give you the full thing of like how OJ came to be.
[00:55:32] And it’s not sympathetic. It just is, but it is, but it’s, it’s incredibly incredible. Plus it’s a documentary. So one is obviously, you know, Fictionalize. It was based on Jeffrey Toobin’s book, but, but it’s still like played by actors. Um, but, uh, both of those, like 2016 was a great year for OJ content. Um, but, uh, but I’m very excited about the, um, next season of American crime story, which will be out in September.
[00:55:56] So
[00:55:57] Brett: I, uh, I’m sure I’ve asked you this before, [00:56:00] but have you ever listened to the podcast? You’re wrong about.
[00:56:04] Christina: I don’t think so.
[00:56:05] Brett: Oh, my God, you would love that podcast. You would love
[00:56:08] Christina: to my list.
[00:56:08] Brett: Yeah. You have to listen to that. It’s it’s uh, a man and a woman whose names. I I’m not, I don’t listen to the show enough to, to be a fan, but every time I listened to it, I think of you because they take things like Tonya Harding and Monica Lewinsky and OJ, and they do the here’s, all the thing that people got wrong about these stories.
[00:56:34] And they look at here was here’s what the public thinks happened. Here’s what actually happened. And they do all the research and they do all the exposition. And it’s really good.
[00:56:44] Christina: Okay. I’m subscribing to this now. Yeah. I’m looking at this. Yeah. This, this totally looks like this is completely up my alley. Okay. I’m told I’m totally into
[00:56:52] Brett: I can’t, I can’t believe I’ve never asked you about that before.
[00:56:55] Christina: I don’t think so. Um, I would have remembered I think, and no, this totally see. Yeah. You’re exactly right. That’s [00:57:00] completely seems like something up my alley.
[00:57:02] Um, also for the Monica thing, for anybody who’s interested, there’s a documentary that came. Almost 20 years ago, um, called Monica in black and white, and it was recorded for HBO. Um, and it was fit and Bailey and, um, Randy Barbato and they are, of course now best known as the creators of RuPaul’s drag race, but they are documentarians.
[00:57:25] Um, and they did like the eyes of Tammy Faye Bakker and, um, party animal, the documentary, which then became party animal, the feature film with, um, Macaulay Culkin and Seth green. And, um, they, um, they’ve done a lot of other things over the years about like, uh, gay, gay cell culture stuff. And they did an interview kind of documentary thing with her called Monica in black and white.
[00:57:47] And it was like, they did like over the course of three days, they had like 10 hours of interview. Things were basically Monica. This was right after she had been let out. Whatever her, her agreement was for, for [00:58:00] immunity, where she couldn’t speak for a certain period of time. And once that had expired, she was allowed to finally talk for the first time.
[00:58:05] So she did like a Barbara Walters interview, and then she did this thing that she was, she was, and she hadn’t been able to make money on it or anything. She, you know, worked with somebody on a book. And then she, she did, um, this HBO special where she basically was at like Columbia, I think, and ask questions, like answered questions, both from interviewers, like within the brushing crew, but primarily people in the audience who they literally, they could ask her anything they wanted and like they could be used rude or whatever as possible.
[00:58:33] And in some cases, as you see, like towards like the end of it, like some of the questions got pretty, like th like this one guy, there’s a moment where this one guy asked her how it felt to be America’s premier blowjob queen. And he has this shit-eating grin on his face and he’s just smirking. And everybody in the audience is booing and is telling her not to answer it.
[00:58:51] And then she ends up kind of like owning him and like giving a really great response.
[00:58:56] Brett: She is really good at that. She has, she has [00:59:00] developed a very thick skin and a very sharp wit
[00:59:03] Christina: And this was in 2002, so, or 2001, I think it was filmed. The thing came out in 2002. So that was a couple of years removed from the incident. And, you know, so she’s still really young and still doing that.
[00:59:16] And I watched it when I was in college, on HBO, probably in like 2003 or something. And it totally changed my perspective on her because I had, you know, I was like 15 at the height of all the impeachment madness. And, you know, you believe what the media is saying, salacious it’s gossipy, it’s this it’s that you don’t think that much about the person.
[00:59:37] You don’t think that much about like what this is doing to her and whatnot. Like, you know, and, and, and like, you know, cause she became a tabloid figure the same as like an Amy Fisher or, or a Tonya Harding or Lorena Bobbitt or whatever, you know what I mean? Like it was just one of those things you don’t think about, like the
[00:59:52] Brett: and I mean, as far as public perception, she was up against the president of United States. Like that’s, that’s where the focus was. She [01:00:00] became a supporting actor in that.
[01:00:03] Christina: No. And, and, and, and beyond that, like the, the administration did everything they could to put the focus on her past transgressions, if you want to call them that and it, and on her personality and, and whatnot, because that took the emphasis off of him. Right? Like the more you could talk about the spectacle that was Monica, the less, you had to focus on the fact that the president was having this improper relationship while in office, while the government is shut down, you know, like the less
[01:00:28] Brett: literally in the office.
[01:00:30] Christina: exactly, exactly.
[01:00:31] Like you, you, you, the last focus on that when you, when you can pin it on, you know, this young woman. And when I watched Monica in black and white and, and it’s on YouTube, if you search for it, it’s in, it’s in multiple parts. Um, uh, but it’s not available, like to actually officially stream anywhere. I don’t think, um, because I was looking for, and I couldn’t find it.
[01:00:51] It like the stuff that she says in it, isn’t so much new now. Like she’s given her Ted talk and she’s written stuff for vanity fair and she’s done other things. So I think people are more [01:01:00] familiar with it, but it was really fascinating to watch. I watched it again yesterday, actually for the first time in probably since 2003.
[01:01:08] And I was struck by like a, how fucking awful that experience was for her and how terribly she was treated and how she didn’t ask for any of this. Right. Like she, she did lie. She lied on the deposition. That’s what got her in trouble. Um, cause she did what any like right seeming person would do, who was having, who had like an illicit relationship with the present of the United States.
[01:01:31] You would lie about that. Like you wouldn’t, you wouldn’t expect that someone who you thought was your friend had been recording your conversations because they had a vendetta against, you know, people in the white house because they hadn’t, you know, been promoted the way they wanted to and want us to get a book deal.
[01:01:47] Right. That’s not what you would expect like today, maybe you would, right. Like today I think that because of Linda trip and stuff like that, we’d be more thoughtful about, Okay.
[01:01:56] what do I want to share with someone? I don’t know that well over the phone, but like in [01:02:00] nineteen ninety eight, nineteen ninety seven, whenever she’s not thinking that.
[01:02:03] So, but it was just, I rewatched it and it was just really harrowing because I was just struck again by like how terribly she was treated, how her life is. Well, as never, she’s never been allowed to have a normal life or anything even remotely, you know, like she will always be Monica Lewinsky. Like there’s nothing she can do about that.
[01:02:22] And, um, how honest and like raw she was with her answers. Like it was really, really remarkable anyway. Um, that’s another tangent, but if people are interested in the impeachment American crime story thing, I definitely recommend seeking out, um, Monica in black and white from the drag race guys, because I thought, especially when you consider it was a full, it was like 15 years before. People started to reconsider her. Um, it was ahead of its time.
[01:02:52] Brett: I’m going to, I’m going to stick one more ad read and.
[01:02:55] Christina: Yeah, of course.
[01:02:56] Brett: I like most of our sponsors require us to do it [01:03:00] between the 30 and 70% mark of the show, which is a weird thing to say, when you don’t know how long your show is going to be, but our good friends at smile do not give us a stipulation. So I’m closing out this week, letting you know that this episode is brought to you by text expander. Get it right. Every time text expander makes it easy to give your team the right words for every situation, whether you need to keep your team happy or delight customers with effective answers, you can rest easy knowing your team has it covered.
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[01:04:16] Text expanders available on Mac windows, Chrome, iPhone, and iPad. Over-tired listeners. Get 20% off their first year. Just visit text To learn more about text expander, that’s text All right. Well, despite losing 30 minutes of what I’m going to go ahead and say was just fucking golden content.
[01:04:43] Christina: It was actually, it was really good.
[01:04:45] Brett: Like these people don’t know what they’re missing. It
[01:04:48] Christina: No, when it’s, it said you got like Christina unhinged rants and I apologize for that.
[01:04:53] Brett: Well, I mean, to be fair in that last bit, there was some golden Christina ranting going on [01:05:00] to
[01:05:00] Christina: Hmm.
[01:05:01] Brett: me, but it was still fresh. It was like fresh Christina ranting
[01:05:05] Christina: Right
[01:05:06] Brett: off, off the, off the dome.
[01:05:08] Christina: the chain. Yep.
[01:05:09] Brett: Yeah. Anyway. Good job, Christina. We pulled off an hour.
[01:05:13] Christina: We pulled off an hour. Thank you, Brett. Sorry that, uh, our, our first bit, uh, didn’t uh, share, but, uh, yeah. And then we missed talking about some of the stuff we were going to talk about. We’ll get into it. We’ll find stuff in the future to talk about.
[01:05:25] Brett: Yeah. I mean, Brittany will still be that whole thing will still be
[01:05:29] Christina: I will explain, actually, if anything, we will have more information about the Brittany thing hopefully next week. So I think after, I think, or next time we record, cause you might know you’re recording next week, but next time we record after we do Brett’s mental health corner, we will do a Brittany update.
[01:05:44] Brett: I will be here next week.
[01:05:46] Christina: You will be here next week. Okay.
[01:05:47] Brett: Yes. All right. Well, I know you’re well rested, but I still insist that you get some sleep.
[01:05:54] Christina: Thank you. You as well, get some sleep, Brett.