247: Winners v. Drugs

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Overtired 247

Brett: [00:00:00] [00:00:00]I think I’ll do the intro this week.

[00:00:06]Christina: [00:00:06] I like that idea.

[00:00:07]Brett: [00:00:07] You are listening to Overtired I am Brett Terpstra. I am here with Christina Warren, Christina, how are you

[00:00:14]Christina: [00:00:14] I’m pretty good. I’m pretty good. It is early for me. It’s like six 30 in the morning. However, I’ve been awake since, I don’t know, like it’s either two or 3:00 AM, so, um, well, not really. So I kind of like took a nap late that sort of went to like going to bed really early and then my body woke up and then I was like, well, I know I have to be up to do the podcast.

[00:00:42] And I have a bunch of other stuff I need to do today. So am I going to be able to get any sleep or not? I wasn’t really sure. And then I wanted like taking my meds at like 5:00 AM. So kind of on purpose?

[00:00:53] Brett: [00:00:53] Yeah. Okay. I I’ve done that. I’ve done that many times.

[00:00:57]Christina: [00:00:57] Yeah, I’m actually way more, [00:01:00] I’m not a morning person. Um, however, like I like, you know, the, the evenings much more I’m, I’m a night owl. I’d like to stay up late, whatever. However, if I can actually wake up early and get started, I’m so much more productive for the entire day. So it’s one of these weird things where I’m not a morning person, but I really need to try to force myself into being.

[00:01:22] Brett: [00:01:22] I love mornings so much because nobody else is up. I nobody interrupts me. I don’t have to worry about anyone pinging me on slack or giving me a phone call. I just get up. And I just, I usually code in the morning, but I get up at five 30 and my Workday doesn’t usually like start in earnest until 10:00 AM my time because most of the team is in California.

[00:01:46] So that’s 8:00 AM their time. Or they’re overseas and they’re like on a completely, like 12 hour off schedule. So I get this nice space from like 5:30 AM till like [00:02:00] nine where it’s just like, just my time to code. I love mornings. And I get up at five 30 and like sometimes, like I set an alarm for five 30, just cause I like consistency, but I, wake up every morning uh, for the last month or so I wake up at 5:26 AM.

[00:02:22] Just automatically and I’m just ready to go. And then I shut off my alarm. I like it when my system agrees with my schedule.

[00:02:30] Christina: [00:02:30] Yeah. Um, I I’m the person who, unless I’m already up or whatever, I have like four alarms set usually. And then I’ll also hits news. Number of times, it’s one of those things where like, I ha I have a built-in buffer for what time I know I have to actually be up like, so I have like an early time. I’m like, Okay.

[00:02:50] well, this is what time I would like to be up, but I know I’m going to hit snooze at least this many times.

[00:02:57] And I know that I’m going to in [00:03:00] my own mind, like reset alarms and do other stuff. So let me go ahead and preset alarms for like, I have a bunch of them and then it’d be like, okay, what’s the absolute latest that I can be up. Like, for instance, I had one set. I didn’t need it, but I had one set for six 20 and one set for 5 45.

[00:03:17] I had one set for six o’clock. I had one set for six 20, knowing knowing that six 20 was like, okay, that was the absolute latest. You can get up to do this at six 30

[00:03:27] Brett: [00:03:27] Why, why wouldn’t you just set the alarm for the latest.

[00:03:31] Christina: [00:03:31] because I, I have this great thought in My, mind. Well, maybe I will actually get up early and be more productive and get something done. Like it’s, it’s aspirational. It’s not realistic. It’s aspirational. And I should be self-aware enough to be like, you’re not going to do this. However, occasionally I surprise myself.

[00:03:50] And then sometimes there are times when, like I’m just up at three o’clock in the morning, so I don’t need it anyway. So it’s just.

[00:03:57] Brett: [00:03:57] My, my advice that you didn’t ask [00:04:00] for is to just set the alarm for when you have to get up. And if you wake up earlier, great, go with what your body says, but don’t like, I feel like that’s counterproductive to like interrupt your sleep five times

[00:04:12] Christina: [00:04:12] it it is part of the reason though that I have to have like a couple of the stages is because I know I will hit snooze at least once. And so I can’t do it for like, this is the time you have to actually get up.

[00:04:27] because I have to build in a buffer now, do I need All of the buffers that I built in?

[00:04:30] Probably not, but I need like at least two, because if I hit snooze and I really needed to be up at 6:20 and you know, like 6:29, like is going to be too late or whatever, because 10 minutes can make a difference. Like I’m going to have to push back, push it back to an earlier time so I can hit snooze at least once and like find a way to, to put it off.

[00:04:52]Brett: [00:04:52] All right. So talk about Christina’s sleep schedule, check.

[00:04:56] Christina: [00:04:56] Yep.

[00:04:57] Brett: [00:04:57] Um, how’s your, how’s your mental health?

[00:04:59][00:05:00] Christina: [00:04:59] It’s not too bad. It’s not too bad. I mean, it’s not like awesome, but it’s not terrible. Um, how’s yours.

[00:05:07] Brett: [00:05:07] Oh, actually like for once I have nothing to report things have been normal, productive, happy work has been very frustrating. Um, I, do you want to hear it?

[00:05:22] Christina: [00:05:22] Yeah. I was going to say, let’s just look at, that feels like mental health corner. Let’s talk.

[00:05:26] Brett: [00:05:26] Yeah. Actually, if anything is mental health for me, it’s work. Um, so w Oracle teamed up with red bull racing and, uh, or like sponsored them. And we’re doing these, I think I’ve talked about this, but we’re doing this like a hands-on lab where people can, uh, the beginner one is you collect F1 race data, and use machine learning to predict the winners of.

[00:05:53] Races and like taking into account all of the like tires [00:06:00] and, uh, pit times, and who’s driving all of this. Um, and the lab itself, my only job with this whole project is to write the README that will go on, GitHub that will get people set up and walk them through the lab, which was a daunting task to begin with because I know nothing about machine learning, the whole thing’s done in Jupiter notebooks.

[00:06:27] I’m not a Python guy. I’ve never used Jupiter notebooks. Like I had to learn all of this in order to write, or, you know, I had to learn a little… enough to write a reasonable, like how to, um, and that would have been fine. I’ve had this project for like two months now, except the lab wasn’t. Uh, finished until this week.

[00:06:53] And even then it wasn’t finished. So I’ve spent the last two weeks trying to [00:07:00] get through like the prerequisites set up, uh, like setting up cloud machines, setting up deployment, building the data science notebooks and everything. One problem after another huge frustration finally got it up and running, uh, walked through the notebooks, ran into problems every step of that way.

[00:07:20] Uh, and then ultimately got to the end of the tutorial that had been written like a PowerPoint deck full of slides basically… full of screenshots basically. So I got all the way through it found out it doesn’t resolve. Like you get everything set up and, and you like prep all the data and then nothing like the lab as it’s written, doesn’t do anything.

[00:07:45] So I can’t write about it. Then yesterday they decided, oh wait, we can create a custom image that people can just load and run this. So that three weeks of me trying to [00:08:00] deploy the thing completely out the door, I don’t need to write about any of that. The stuff I do need to write about isn’t finished yet.

[00:08:07] And the lab is like the original due date on this was Tuesday. And now it’s Thursday, Friday. No. And here’s those but irrelevant. Um, and I have nothing to write. Like I can’t do my job. They’ve already started, uh, posting this on like social media, writing blogs about it and uh, like pimping it. And it’s not there.

[00:08:32] Like the lab will not be ready. Um, I’m a little freaked out. It’s very stressed.

[00:08:38]Christina: [00:08:38] Okay. So I understand that you’re freaked out. I understand that they’ve already said that it’s coming the, did they like give in the blogs? Did they give like a hard date? Like it’s coming this day?

[00:08:49] Brett: [00:08:49] Yeah. They’ve already started taking registrations for it.

[00:08:52] Christina: [00:08:52] Okay. All right. So, and, and, but it was supposed to have happen on Tuesday.

[00:08:57] Brett: [00:08:57] the actual event doesn’t happen [00:09:00] until August 11th,

[00:09:01] Christina: [00:09:01] Oh,

[00:09:02] Brett: [00:09:02] but they wanted the, the tutorial written Tuesday so that the panelists could start going through it. And we would have time to do further debugging and refining. So it’s not drop dead due yet.

[00:09:18] Christina: [00:09:18] No, no, no. Okay. So, so the 11th, that’s fine. So it would have been good if you’d had on Tuesday, but, um, Sam forgetting that, like you haven’t worked in corporate America for a long time, so, so you don’t understand how fungible a lot of this stuff is because basically you have two weeks.

[00:09:33] So if you have this by like, I don’t know, honestly, if you have this by the fourth, if you haven’t even by, by like the sixth, you’re fine. Um, because. Yeah. Okay. You’d be better probably if you had it, like by like Thursday, so you could, if you needed to make changes, you can make them like Friday, but the 11th is a Wednesday, so Yeah. you’re fine.

[00:09:56] Brett: [00:09:56] Yeah. Yeah. I keep telling myself that I [00:10:00] also keep telling myself this isn’t my fault. I haven’t necessarily failed. Like I’ve done everything I could.

[00:10:07] Christina: [00:10:07] No, you, you got everything you could.

[00:10:08] they also, they, they changed like the way that they could do the image and the other stuff. And honestly, you probably ran into some stuff That other people would be running into as well. Right.

[00:10:17] Brett: [00:10:17] That was my concern. The whole time is if me with my, my background, like I’m, I’m not a newbie developer. Some of these concepts are new.

[00:10:28] Christina: [00:10:28] you’ve set up your fair share of environments, right? Like, Yeah.

[00:10:31] Like this is not something that’s new to for you. And, and, um, I mean, honestly, I don’t know what they’re doing. Are they getting to people like a Docker image that they can just kind of, um,

[00:10:41] Brett: [00:10:41] so like they have, they call it a stack. Uh, it’s a, it’s a zip file that includes like Terraform scripts that sets up a compartment for you in your, in your cloud, that tenancy, um, and, and sets up the data [00:11:00] science, uh, instance and, uh, bill like gives you a blank Jupiter notebook that then you can log into and, and clone the, the notebook repo.

[00:11:12] So it’s not it the way that I did it, it was not a full image. It was basically a Terraform script,

[00:11:20] Christina: [00:11:20] Got it. Okay. Well, I mean, but

[00:11:22] Brett: [00:11:22] but it will

[00:11:22] Christina: [00:11:22] into this, but it will be.

[00:11:24] right. Which, which is good. Yeah. I mean, it seems to me and I don’t, I don’t know like how they’re, how they’re doing this. It seems to me like, and, and there’s probably a good reason why you can’t just have a Docker deploy thing because, um, and maybe the Terraform script is, you know, setting up a Docker instance.

[00:11:39] I don’t know. And maybe there’s something with the cloud set up that doesn’t allow that I’m not sure I’m not going to, uh, uh, try to do the, I I’m stopping myself from going down a rabbit hole with you there. They’re going to figure out the problem. Um, the only thing I’m going say is like, yeah, you ran into this other people are definitely gonna run into this.

[00:11:55] So that’s number one and they had to figure it out because you were going through this [00:12:00] problems. Yeah. They’re going to get it figured out as long as you have it up and that people can ideally, the panelists can test it before the 11th. That’s great. Um, you know, and even then, if there are issues, I mean, you get feedback, you can make changes.

[00:12:15] It’s uh, that’s

[00:12:18] Brett: [00:12:18] worry. I just worry that we’re asking, like, this is a beginner lab. We’re asking most of the people taking pertinent, we’ll be setting up their first, uh, Oracle cloud infrastructure, uh, account like the free account. This is their first, right? This is their first impression of Oracle’s cloud services.

[00:12:41] Christina: [00:12:41] So, so, Okay.

[00:12:43] I’m going to frame this for you in a really like, clear way. This is all really good feedback for a post. I I’m not, I’m not even joking like a, that is not your decision or your problem. Like you were tasked with doing a certain thing and, and, and getting it to work a certain way. This is all really good feedback for a post-mortem [00:13:00] for people to look at, because you’re going to figure that out.

[00:13:02] Um, realistically it is too late to be able to make any sort of grand scale decision about like what the best way to distribute this would be. And if this was the right model, and if you need something else, but this is also how you learn and how you get feedback. So this is all really good stuff for a post-mortem you’ll figure it out.

[00:13:18] You’ll get good insights. The fact that you were running into these things beforehand, cause you were trying, it’s not like sometimes, and I’m not going to say that I’ve ever done this or anything, but you know where like you have a certain amount of time for a project and you don’t really start it until.

[00:13:33]Fairly late in the process. And then you run into like blockers and then you’re kind of like, all right, well, this is my fault, but I’m going to try to, you know, BS my way out of it. Like you were giving them feedback, as you were going through this, you were figuring out like what the issues were and you were like, letting people know.

[00:13:49] So a none of this is on you. Um, it’s gonna, what’s going to get done is going to get done, but, but be, and I think this is more important even if the result is, as you say, this is [00:14:00] gonna be people’s first impression and it’s not a good one and it’s complicated and you, and they don’t know what to do.

[00:14:04] That’s all really good feedback. And sometimes you have to have that feedback from the actual end-users because coming from the people on the team, people don’t listen to that. Like sometimes you have to actually, uh, and I, and I, I putting it this way because I think this is going to happen. But just as a way of framing it, because I say this to people I work with too, sometimes you have to let stuff fail.

[00:14:26] Like sometimes you have to let it happen for things to be able to be improved.

[00:14:30]Brett: [00:14:30] Okay. I appreciate your feedback. I’m sorry. This conversation got really boring for everyone.

[00:14:35] Christina: [00:14:35] No, no, but honestly, I actually think that last bit that I shared, cause I’ve had to come to terms with this before, too, where sometimes you can only do what you can do and sometimes you have to let stuff, if it is going to maybe not work out or not, whatever, like you have to let that happen.

[00:14:52] Brett: [00:14:52] See, I I’m used to, like for like 10 years, I’ve been independent where everything is [00:15:00] like entirely responsibility and both good and bad. And I can take like, if something goes wrong, I know who to blame. It’s me. Like everything was under my control. So this is a certain feeling of helplessness.

[00:15:14] Christina: [00:15:14] right. Because you’re not in control, you’re not in control. And sometimes, and, and I think this is like maybe the more broad thing, like not just like your specific situation, but there are instances that we all run into where, um, you have, um, like. Sorry, what was I going to say? Where, you know, you need resources, you need help.

[00:15:34] You need people to like, convince them like, Hey, this is what I need to actually get this done. And you’re not going to get it unless they actually see that you need it. Cause if you keep pulling miracles out of your ass and making it work, they will never get you what you want ever.

[00:15:46] Brett: [00:15:46] setting, setting bad precedent. Do you have to use JIRA?

[00:15:49]Christina: [00:15:49] I don’t. We use something else. Uh, which is, I mean, it’s both better and worse. Um, it’s better. Cause it’s not JIRA, but it’s worse because it’s [00:16:00] still a pain in the ass. But no, we don’t use JIRA.

[00:16:02] Brett: [00:16:02] I think I’m realizing that my problem isn’t necessarily with JIRA, I think any kind of a ticket based project management system that requires me to like post my status for everyone else. I’m just really bad. Like I worked for agile, uh, w what was agile bits, a

[00:16:22] Christina: [00:16:22] Right? one password,

[00:16:23] Brett: [00:16:23] and part of the job, everyone on the team, no matter what your position was, was doing customer support and logging into the forums every day and taking as many support requests as you could, like first thing in the morning, and I’m just really bad.

[00:16:40]That like logging in and handling other people’s problems. Like I, I do great with my customer support for my own software. People always tell me, I love your support. You’re very responsive. You do a great job. There’s something about like, I have to be truly invested to, to want [00:17:00] to like, to spend my time updating a ticket system instead of just doing the work.

[00:17:08] Like it never sits well with me. And I, I, I don’t think JIRA is the problem. I think it’s my attitude toward like

[00:17:17] Christina: [00:17:17] No.

[00:17:18] Brett: [00:17:18] to do a group,

[00:17:20] Christina: [00:17:20] No 100%. Um, yeah, cause I’ve used what I’ve used. Uh, um, what’s not at last year, I’ve used a sauna.

[00:17:29] Uh, I’ve used Trello. Uh, I’ve used, um, uh, Azure DevOps. I’ve used, uh, what do we call it as a planner? Which, which is, Microsoft’s like like version of Trello essentially, uh, get hub has some sort of thing that’s kind of similar.

[00:17:47] Um,

[00:17:47] Brett: [00:17:47] hubs.

[00:17:48] Christina: [00:17:48] yeah, I do too. I actually would probably rather, um, use, um,

[00:17:54]Brett: [00:17:54] Get hub projects.

[00:17:56] Christina: [00:17:56] yeah, exactly. I would probably actually rather use that than an agile dev DevOps, but we use Azure [00:18:00] DevOps boards for a lot of stuff. I would probably rather use projects, but it, it, it is what it is. And I kind of run into the same thing where there are things where like, I have my own lists of my own stuff that I’m doing.

[00:18:10] And then I forget to like update the other. I got good. When I was at Mossville anchors, Moda, we used Trello. And ironically I’m saying ironic because I I’m bad at this stuff now. Like I was the one who fought for, at Mashable anyway, for us to use Trello because we didn’t have any sort of, and that was what the newsroom used.

[00:18:28] First. We actually tried to use a sauna because that was what the product team used. And, um, it was just, I couldn’t convince like journalists people to get into that mind flow.

[00:18:40] Brett: [00:18:40] Trella makes a lot more sense for, for a newsroom, especially.

[00:18:45] Christina: [00:18:45] No, it was great. Cause you could drag it around and then each card could have links. And so we would have different like, you know, things like this has been assigned, this is being worked on, this can be grabbed. This is being, this is in edit. This is, you know, scheduled to publish. This has been published, you know, we had different boards and stuff.

[00:18:59] And so [00:19:00] we got pretty good with that, but yeah, there were times when, cause I had like my personal board that was often a mess and it was like, Yeah.

[00:19:05] cause I had my own list someplace that I didn’t update. So I feel you, and there are things that work now where I’m like, oh right. I need to update my status on this Azure dev ops board.

[00:19:14] Um, and I’m just like, yep. Um, I haven’t been great at that, which is why I’m not an ideal PM I guess.

[00:19:23] Brett: [00:19:23] Totally meet you there. If you’re ever looking for a really, really good Trello alternative, uh, Mr. Task from the people who make mine, Meiser is a really well thought out. Uh, Kanban, Kanban, Kanban.

[00:19:39] Christina: [00:19:39] Yeah. However you.

[00:19:40] Brett: [00:19:40] Uh, board at with like full dashboard, you can have multiple projects and a good API. It’s it’s really nice.

[00:19:49] I’ve only used it on small teams. I’ve never used it on like a team of 10 or more. So I, I, I don’t know how it holds up. I assume it does.

[00:19:58] Christina: [00:19:58] it’s good. Yeah. Um,

[00:20:00] [00:19:59] Brett: [00:19:59] I love that you can turn a MindMeister mind mask into a Meiser task task board with one click.

[00:20:07]Christina: [00:20:07] yeah, no, that’s nice. No, see That’s super good. yeah. I, um, I love Air table. We used to use air table and then we had to stop and then we had to stop using it. But I love air table.

[00:20:17] Brett: [00:20:17] table’s awesome.

[00:20:18] Christina: [00:20:18] Air table is really good.

[00:20:20] Brett: [00:20:20] Yeah. So you want to completely change the subject?

[00:20:23] Christina: [00:20:23] 100%.

[00:20:24] Brett: [00:20:24] It was my birthday last week.

[00:20:26] Christina: [00:20:26] I know it was

[00:20:27] Brett: [00:20:27] but.

[00:20:28] Christina: [00:20:28] happy birthday.

[00:20:29] Brett: [00:20:29] Thank you for my birthday. I thought, you know what it’s been, uh, how, how old am I? 40? It’s been over 20 years since I’ve tried smoking pot. And so I, I got some pot, some weed, some grass as the kids say in 1965.

[00:20:51] Um,

[00:20:51] Christina: [00:20:51] what kids, kids today are like a CBD, you know, they’re like edibles. They’re like, yeah.

[00:20:57] Brett: [00:20:57] Yeah. So friends brought both [00:21:00] a vape pen and some actual, like a one hitter. And I chose to go with the, I missed the feeling of smoke in my lungs. So I went with the good old fashioned spark I, okay. So back in high school, I tried pot a few times and I had these really bad experiences with like instant vertigo.

[00:21:21] And like, I would just end up on a couch, unable to think feeling crappy. And I, I

[00:21:29] Christina: [00:21:29] And you’re like, and you’re, you’re like, I hate this. I’m going straight to heroin.

[00:21:33] Brett: [00:21:33] pretty much. Well, I went through like speed and Coke and then decided to go for like downers. But, um, I was really hoping like I’ve I’ve for the last 20 years, I’ve listened to people talk about just like relaxing and opening your mind and just like the fun of being stoned. And I thought maybe it’ll be different now.

[00:21:52] So I had my birthday party a week late because of my oral surgery. Um, and, and so it [00:22:00] was just this week or like this last weekend I tried, it had the exact same experience as high school. It was. Awful. Like, I

[00:22:09] Christina: [00:22:09] Oh, no.

[00:22:10] Brett: [00:22:10] it. Like my, my, I couldn’t, I couldn’t think I couldn’t follow a conversation for more than five seconds.

[00:22:16] And I was constantly trying to like piece together what had just happened in the last 30 seconds to an extent where like, I wasn’t freaked out. I didn’t get anxious, but it was very frustrating. And I ended up just sitting on the couch and petting my, my dog because it was the only, I didn’t have to follow my dog’s conversation.

[00:22:37] I had to leave the party because it was so it was awful. So are, I am not becoming a pot smoker as much as the idea of it appeals to me, it apparently won’t work for me.

[00:22:50]Christina: [00:22:50] I’m so disappointed to hear That So I used to, so in college, I guess, which was really the first time I ever actively tried smoking pot, I think I [00:23:00] tried a few times in high school and like wasn’t quite successful. Um, I was also more into like, Drinking then, um, I got anxious. Like I didn’t like it. And so I didn’t smoke very much for very often.

[00:23:13] Um, and then Cocaine never did anything for me, sadly, because I know I blamed, I blamed the Dexedrine. I know that’s what I’ve heard. And I’ve, I’ve tried a number of times and it does literally has no impact, which is shitty because I would love it, I think. Um,

[00:23:31] Brett: [00:23:31] think the DEXA drain, like I haven’t done, I stopped doing cocaine long before I ever got treated for ADHD. I wonder

[00:23:37] Christina: [00:23:37] I think it was the DEXA

[00:23:38] Brett: [00:23:38] interacts differently with stimulants other stimulants.

[00:23:41] Christina: [00:23:41] Yeah. I think that had to be what it was. Um, there were a couple of times when I took NoDoz in high school and one’s in college and it like fused with my DEXA drain. And I think that the reaction was probably either what full on speed would have been like or cocaine.

[00:23:57] Um, and it was great. It was [00:24:00] terrifying, uh, especially the first time. Fucking terrifying, but it was also kind of great, but no. Um, so, so anyway though, um, smoking weed doesn’t do much for me, however edible I really enjoy.

[00:24:13] Brett: [00:24:13] Huh? Yeah. The reaction I had feels like a, an allergy. I don’t think any form of, of THC is going to agree with my system. And it was a bad enough experience that I’m not

[00:24:27] Christina: [00:24:27] no. And I, yeah, I, I didn’t recommend that. I’m just saying I edibles have been the thing that I enjoy and then like, you can have different concentrations, like some that are more CBD. Some they’re more THC, some that are more like this or that. I don’t know all the different things. Um, and

[00:24:42] Brett: [00:24:42] this reaction I had, by the way, I took two hits. Like it, it like, I, it was nothing. I took two, like leisurely hits off a one hitter.

[00:24:54] Christina: [00:24:54] no. So that seems like that is definitely going to be like an allergy of some sort, if it was that quick.

[00:25:00] [00:24:59] Brett: [00:24:59] Fucking stupid system. I, I hate my system. I’m allergic to all drugs. Like, uh, that’s like, that’s how they describe, uh, addictive personalities. Like I have very strong reactions to any, any mind altering mood altering drug, uh, affects me more strongly than other people. Uh, and I have to assume that like this THC reaction is just like what everyone else gets from weed, but just to an extreme, like, to an unbearable, extreme heroin and cocaine, like, like since like, since I’ve been treated for ADHD, I have not done any drugs.

[00:25:41] I, I drank for a while. Uh, you know, like alcohol and stimulants, whatever. But, uh, back then, like heroin and cocaine was an amazing mixture. I love that. So that’s actually, how I got into heroin was I was looking for a way to enhance my [00:26:00] cocaine addiction. And then, and then heroin became my main squeeze for awhile for a few years.

[00:26:07] Christina: [00:26:07] uh, that’s kind of horrifying. Don’t don’t do that kids.

[00:26:11] Brett: [00:26:11] Oh yeah. No, I don’t recommend it to anyone. It’s a great way to die. If you’re looking to die, mix up, mix up a speed ball.

[00:26:18] Christina: [00:26:18] Yeah. I was going to say it isn’t a thing now that kills people. Like don’t like it doesn’t shit. Get laced with fentanyl.

[00:26:24] Brett: [00:26:24] God. Yeah. You can’t buy pure heroin anymore. Like, everything is cut with some amount of fentanyl.

[00:26:31] Christina: [00:26:31] Yeah. And then that’s basically what, like, like that’s how Demi Lovato, like that’s how they almost died.

[00:26:36] Brett: [00:26:36] When I was, I was in, uh, Toronto for, uh, I don’t even remember why, but it was during my heroin addiction and all that. These reports started coming in in Toronto of just mass overdoses. Like people were dying left and right. And it was the first time that I had [00:27:00] seen fentanyl hit the streets. This would have been like 2000, maybe

[00:27:05] Christina: [00:27:05] Yeah.

[00:27:06] Brett: [00:27:06] 2001.

[00:27:07] And like, it had it, I had just never seen this happen before. And all of a sudden this what, at the time they were just calling it like too pure. They didn’t realize that it was being cut with something that was 10 times stronger than heroin. Um, yeah, that got that. That was right before I got completely clean, but it’s a different game now for sure.

[00:27:31] Christina: [00:27:31] yeah.

[00:27:31] no. And I think the problem is, I mean, this is how, like a number of people have like wound up dying because they don’t know. And, and then it, you know, like they don’t know what the concentration is or other stuff. And then like, I think, I think it’s happening with people’s like ecstasy pills and stuff too, which can be really scary.

[00:27:47] So.

[00:27:47] Brett: [00:27:47] if you’re used to, if you’re used to banging a 20, like, you know how much you can do and you know how much you can safely do and, and what will get you to where you want to be, [00:28:00] you assume that’s going to keep going. And when all of a sudden the same amount is fatal, that’s just not fair. Like if you’re going to cut it with something that’s strong, like cut it with some baby powder to give people a chance.

[00:28:15]Christina: [00:28:15] Yeah. Yeah.

[00:28:18] Brett: [00:28:18] I think I’ve, I think I’ve done. I think I’ve done a fair amount of baby powder in my life. That’s got to be bad for you. Isn’t talcum powder full of like, as best this or

[00:28:27] Christina: [00:28:27] Yeah. I was going to say, I’m pretty sure that like, there are, that it’s like very bad to, to inhale baby power powder. Yeah.

[00:28:35] Brett: [00:28:35] Oh, I I’m talking about injecting,

[00:28:37] Christina: [00:28:37] Well,

[00:28:38] Brett: [00:28:38] which I assume isn’t a lot better.

[00:28:41] Christina: [00:28:41] I mean, I, it’s probably worse. It’s probably equally bad. I don’t know. It’s not good regardless, right? Yeah. I think there’s like led or like asbestos or something in that.

[00:28:49] Yeah. It’s like toxic on some level. You’re definitely not supposed to, to ingest it somehow anyway.

[00:28:55] Brett: [00:28:55] So we’ve hit JIRA and we’ve hit heroine. Uh, neither of which were on our [00:29:00] list. How are we doing? Does this episode feel like it’s really coming together?

[00:29:04] Christina: [00:29:04] it honestly does feel like it’s really coming together. I really liked the, the, the drug, um, um, like, uh,

[00:29:10] Brett: [00:29:10] Tangent,

[00:29:11] Christina: [00:29:11] yes, I was, I was looking, I was thinking of a different word than sort of the D but, uh, uh, tangent, uh, digression. I’m not even sure, but, but a tangent is equally good. So yes, I enjoy the drug tangent.

[00:29:24] That was actually pretty classic overtired stuff. Sponsor: Upstart [00:29:27]

[00:29:27]Brett: [00:29:27] Our first sponsor today is Upstart. If you dread looking at your credit card statements, you’re not alone. Debt can feel crippling, but upstart can help you on your path to financial freedom. Upstart is the fast and easy way to pay off your debt with a personal loan, all online, whether it’s paying off credit cards, consolidating high interest debt, or funding, personal expenses.

[00:29:49] Over half a million people have used Upstart to get a simple fixed monthly payment. I racked up a bunch of credit card debt during a financial rough period over a few years. [00:30:00] I was able to make my monthly payments, but they were huge and I wasn’t getting anywhere with paying down my balances. I got her an Upstart loan a few months ago, wiped out my credit card debt completely and had been making fixed monthly payments and watching my debt disappear ever since.

[00:30:14] And my credit score is back to excellent. Now, uh, with a five minute online rate check, you can see your rate upfront for loans between 1000 and $50,000. I got approved the same day I applied and I had my money a day later and now my credit cards are paid off. I’ll be debt free in five years and I’m saving over $6,000.

[00:30:35] On what I would have paid it interest to the credit card companies. So find out how Upstart can lower your monthly payments today. When you go to upstart.com/overtired, that’s upstart.com/overtired, don’t forget to use our URL. So they know that we sent you and loan amounts will be determined based on your credit income and certain other information provided in your loan application.

[00:30:59] It’s not [00:31:00] an invasive application though. Don’t worry about it. Uh, go to upstart.com/overtired. Seriously, like my credit score is what’s 8, 8, 18.

[00:31:13] Christina: [00:31:13] Wow. That’s really? Yeah.

[00:31:15] Brett: [00:31:15] Yeah, I’m doing good. I’m doing good.

[00:31:17] What is the beeper I am service. And how does that relate to you?

[00:31:21] Christina: [00:31:21] Well, I was supposed to do an onboarding with it today and I just had, I just. So I put it off for, for, um, two weeks until I could get another thing. So beeper is this cross platform. It’s basically, it’s a beeper.com. Um, you?

[00:31:36] ha it’s on a waitlist right now. And then I paid to own my own username. And I also paid to basically like, get like to the front of the line so that I could, um, you know, like get access to it earlier.

[00:31:49] But it basically, it is a, like, it’s in a lot of ways. It is basically just like a, like, but for the next generation,

[00:31:58] Brett: [00:31:58] Wow. I haven’t used [00:32:00] you say ADM. I say Adam, is that it? Can I say Adam?

[00:32:03] Christina: [00:32:03] you can say, Adam, I say ADM, but you can say Adam, um, any of those things, it’s basically kind of like, I think it’s, it’s built on matrix, but the whole idea would be that it has all of your different chat services in one interface. So instead of having to have a jillion different apps, you can have them all federated.

[00:32:18] So you could have slack, you could have WhatsApp, you could have, you know, iMessage, you could have

[00:32:22] Brett: [00:32:22] I’ve seen this before or like I saw a preview. Yeah. I did not sign up for that beta, but, um, there was another one that was an all in one chat thing. It was like, you can install it through brew cask. I CA I didn’t like it. It didn’t it. I prefer, I ended up preferring just having multiple apps going. It was easier.

[00:32:47] Christina: [00:32:47] Yeah. So this is, this is like a new, um, thing and I’m, I’m, uh, I P like I said, I paid for it. Um, and I know the guy who he’s kind of like, uh, he’s the co-founder, [00:33:00] um, Eric, uh, uh, make a Kowski he, the pebble smartwatch, if you remember that.

[00:33:08] Brett: [00:33:08] Yeah.

[00:33:09] Christina: [00:33:09] Yes, he’s a great guy. And, and this was kind of like his side project, and now he’s kind of doing it.

[00:33:13] And So I’m, I’m super excited to try it out, but I they’re doing like personal onboarding and mine was scheduled like 8:00 AM today. And I just was like, I don’t want to do it, so I’m not. Um, but I, uh, I’ll do it in two weeks, but I’m excited about it because it’s going to be a pretty cool service. I think so

[00:33:37] Brett: [00:33:37] So you put a link in, in our, our Quip and I did not have Firefox running. And for some reason, every time I clicked it, it opened. I turn

[00:33:47]Christina: [00:33:47] weird.

[00:33:49] Brett: [00:33:49] Yeah. It’s probably something to do with choosy. Choosy must be like Noah nothing’s running. So, oh, because it’s looking for the best just running and I have I [00:34:00] term as a possible

[00:34:01] Christina: [00:34:01] that have as possible option. Yep.

[00:34:03] Brett: [00:34:03] Yup. Okay. Did I tell you about, I’m sorry, I’m changing the subject mildly. Um, did I tell you about the, uh, experience I had with my zoom redirects?

[00:34:14] Christina: [00:34:14] No.

[00:34:15] Brett: [00:34:15] I, I had, uh, choosy watching for zoom links and instead of opening them first in the browser, and then in zoom, I was just having them, them straight to zoom.

[00:34:27] So I didn’t have any open browser tabs. Except when I started working at Oracle, they use SSO to sign into zoom.

[00:34:37] Christina: [00:34:37] Right. So

[00:34:38] that doesn’t work anymore because it has to, you have to go through the browser

[00:34:41] Brett: [00:34:41] right. And I, I could not figure out why my zoom room meetings, like I couldn’t get into my Oracle zoom meetings and I ended

[00:34:51] Christina: [00:34:51] going on? And you’re like, oh, because I’m suppressing this login,

[00:34:54] Brett: [00:34:54] well. Yeah. I realized that while tech support was screen-sharing and controlling my machine, I’m like, [00:35:00] hold on. I think I just figured out what’s going on. Speaking of I last week, I got a, uh, like I run this, my computer, my personal, yeah.

[00:35:10] Mac mini is registered as a work machine. Uh, which means they control a certain amount of blood.

[00:35:17] Christina: [00:35:17] Right. If they’ve got like an MDM monitor, whatever.

[00:35:20] Brett: [00:35:20] Right. So I got an, a push notification that said there was a required, uh, transition. I don’t remember what the new one was called, but they were, uh, they pushed a profile. took over my machine changed. My machine name, changed my host name, added permissions for them to remote wipe my sheen and filter all my network traffic.

[00:35:46] Even when I wasn’t on the VPN. Um, it was extremely invasive. And as a result, my computer has been cleansed of everything except for Cisco, any connect, which I need [00:36:00] to get to JIRA. Um, and I’m just waiting to see how long it takes for it to tell me I can’t use this machine anymore and be forced to only use my, my work laptop, which they’re welcome to install anything I want.

[00:36:17] Christina: [00:36:17] Totally because they own it. Yeah.

[00:36:18] Um, my hope and, and I don’t know, I guess it depends so the hour, and I have to say here they are not invasive at least, but they do for our personal machines. So our machines can be marked as like personal or, um, like, you know, company and the ones that are company oriented.

[00:36:36] At least the windows machines. They can definitely do more stuff on the profile. And like, they like have like a software catalog and there’s more stuff that can be done, but on like my personal Mac, there is an MDM on it so that I can access company resources. But I think really the only thing that it requires is that I have, um, encryption on.

[00:36:58] And a couple of other things and they do [00:37:00] make me, they have like required me to like, you know, uh, enable, I think they have a copy of my, you know, encryption key or whatever, which fine. Um, Well, I can change it, you know? I mean, like it wouldn’t, it is what it is. Um, like, like my, my, my, my, um, file vaults or whatever, but, um, you know, and I, I guess they could remotely wipe it if they needed to.

[00:37:23] I’m not actually, I’m not even sure on the personal ones that they could, but anyway, it’s not that bad, but the way that it works is that I guess like the MDM has to make contact every so often. I think it’s like every 30 days to know, is this still in compliance or not? And so that would, that would be the, I guess, how long you would have before they would then be able to check.

[00:37:45] But I don’t know what, what things they look at beyond that,

[00:37:48] Brett: [00:37:48] Well, and I also don’t know what the penalty is. For, uh, for not being compliant. I like, I would rather just unregister my machine as a work machine [00:38:00] because there’s actually other than VPN access. There’s nothing I need my machine registered for. Uh, anything that I need to do that requires a registered computer I can do from my work laptop.

[00:38:14] So I registered it to be nice,

[00:38:17] Christina: [00:38:17] You registered it to be nice, but

[00:38:18] yeah. but I mean, otherwise, like you’re not going to need anything. And I mean, I would think too worst case. This would be one of those things where if it were me, I would just like RDP into my work laptop from my Mac mini, if I needed to, to access something, honestly,

[00:38:34] Brett: [00:38:34] Yeah. Yup. That’s the plan except RDP gets really hard if either machine’s on VPN fun stuff. Anyway, anyway, back

[00:38:43] Christina: [00:38:43] there are probably work arounds for that, but, but be it back to interesting things. Yeah.

[00:38:46] Brett: [00:38:46] What, uh, tell me about you. I saw on Twitter that you ordered a machine that got, uh, Harold, Chris, Harold really, uh, uh, peaked his interest, but I don’t, I don’t know what’s happening.

[00:38:57] What’s happening.

[00:38:58] Christina: [00:38:58] Okay. So it is, I don’t [00:39:00] have it yet, but I pre-ordered, it I’ve put a hundred dollars down and it’s supposed to ship some time in August. So it is called the framework laptop. So it’s at frame.work. Um, and it is a pretty cool laptop. It’s an ultra. Um, that is priced about the same as actually the ultra book, the windows laptop that I had just bought the Dell XPS 93, 10 that I spent about it was with once tax and stuff was involved.

[00:39:26] It was about $2,000 from Costco and it’s spec wise very similar. At least the, when I can figure the Dell has a better screen. Um, but the, uh, processor Ram and, um, SSD are, are the same, um, spec wise. So, but what’s interesting about this. It’s it’s like former people, like there’s some former apple engineers and people from Lenovo and people from HP and the whole concept, which when they announced it in February, I have to admit I was pretty skeptical and I was like, I’m rooting for them, but I don’t know if this is going to work.

[00:39:56] And I still kind of feel this way, but the first reviews are out and [00:40:00] I’m becoming more hopeful. So the idea behind this thing is that they’ve made a fully repairable, modular upgradable laptop. So it’s still thin and light. Like it’s not going to be, you know, uh, like it’s, it’s not thick. Like it still looks like an ultra book or whatever, but you can repair basically every part of it.

[00:40:20] So it is designed, you know, where like they’ve made like a, a modular motherboard that you can take out and use afterwards. You can’t replace the CPU on it because. Laptop CPU’s don’t work. Aren’t socketed, but, but like the battery is designed to be, you know, replaced if you want to, um, and, and repaired like, um, they have QR codes on the inside that show you how to install new things.

[00:40:46] You can repair the speakers, replaced them, the, the, um, uh, camera and, and microphone, like on the screen can be taken out. The screen can be replaced like the keyboard. They have different options for different keyboards. You can [00:41:00] use, like it’s really, really repairable, really modular. And then their plan is that they are going to be selling.

[00:41:06] Basically they’re using the, the thinner. Um, they don’t have the Thunderbolt, uh, certification yet, but it is Thunderbolt. They’re using those lanes to basically create little modules that will stick into the side that will have different connection things. So it can store four of them. So you can have like four USB-C ports or Thunderbolt, forts ports, or you could have like one USB-C, one, um, display port one, HD Mai one micro SD, and then you can, you can flop, you can hot swap them in and out as you’re using the laptops.

[00:41:35] So, um, the whole concept is both for it to be like right to repair because they’re going to be making the schematics available to repair shops, which is very cool, making the parts available to people, to be able to, to get an also like environmental so that you don’t have to like throw away your whole laptop if something breaks, or if you want to upgrade the Ram, which [00:42:00] increasingly you can’t do on laptops.

[00:42:02] Like, like the, the XPS 13 that I got, I had to buy it with 32 gigs of Ram. Because it sold her den and that’s increasingly common with like a lot of laptops and like I could replace the SSD on it, but that’s about it. And, and so, um, when they announced this, like in February, I was like, this is a really great idea.

[00:42:23] I’m not quite Sure.

[00:42:24] if this concept will take off because we’ve seen like the modular phones before and the other types of upgradeable stuff. And like, they just, haven’t had a market where there’ve been enough people who’ve been willing to support it. And I’m still kind of skeptical. I don’t know how many this is going to sell.

[00:42:36] And I don’t know how huge the third-party ecosystem will be, although they are doing things like making schematics and stuff available and like making things so that if people want to create their own expansion slots or create their own 3d printed, you know, things or, or accessories or whatever they can, like, they’re totally open to letting the community have a lot of impact with this.

[00:42:55] Um, I feel like. The first reviews came out and they were [00:43:00] pretty positive. Some of them were better than others, but, um, Linus tech tips, he did a video review. He really liked it. He actually ended up like ordering one, like while he was reviewing it, he was like, I’m getting it. And when I read the reviews last week, I almost bit the bullet and ordered one and I didn’t.

[00:43:17] And then that was dumb because Linus, his PO came up on Monday and like the website like crashed. I was like, dammit, I should should’ve ordered last week. Um, but I was able to pre-order one. Um, I got the, the DIY edition. It was, it was once taxed, everything was involved and with all the different components I wanted about $2,100.

[00:43:35] Um, so Yeah.

[00:43:37] It’s basically priced about the same as what I paid for the Dell, um, for, for similar specs. And, um, they say it’ll ship sometime in August, but I’m really excited about it. Like, I, I, I want this concept to work, you know, even if it’s not something that will have like mass brought appeal, I really liked the idea of having something that’s sustainable, upgradable, tinker, rubble, you know, like a company

[00:44:00] [00:43:59] Brett: [00:43:59] Everything that an apple machine is not.

[00:44:03] Christina: [00:44:03] Right or, but not just an apple machine, like even like the surface machines. Right. Even, even like most of the manufacturers, like some of the, the Chinese, um, laptop, uh, chasses makers, some of their make like ultralights that are more upgradeable than others, but a lot of them don’t and certainly you don’t have anything that is like, it comes with a screwdriver, it comes with a screwdriver.

[00:44:24] So, because it’s designed for like open up your machine and then they’ve designed it. So that like the, the cables that connect the keyboard to the inside are long. So that when you open up for the first time, you’re not.

[00:44:34] getting like snack. Cause if you have, if you don’t open that stuff up all the time, you might like pull too hard and break off the, the, the connector.

[00:44:41] They have like cable managed when you put in the wifi card, like there are a bunch of different things they thought about that just seem really smart. And I like that philosophy a lot. So I got one and I I’m really looking forward to, um, to getting it. Cause I think, I think it’s pretty.

[00:44:57] Brett: [00:44:57] Nice. Yeah, that’s pretty exciting. [00:45:00]

[00:45:00] Sponsor: Sanebox [00:45:00] Um, our next sponsor today is SaneBox, which is a service I’ve used for like 10 years. So I’m super happy. They’re finally sponsoring us.

[00:45:11] Inbox zero is a thing of the past. We’re all so inundated with email now that it’s no longer about responding to everything, it’s about responding only to the important things, the messages that truly matter. And that’s where SaneBox comes in. Think of it as an EMT for your email as messages flow in SaneBox, that’s the triage for you sifting only the important emails into your inbox and directing all the other distracting stuff into your same later folder.

[00:45:39] Brett (2): [00:45:39] Or if you, if you have the add on features, you can have a whole bunch of different folders for like newsletters, bulk emails, you even get a sane black hole where you can drag messages from annoying sender that you never want to hear from again, If they just disappear, move them to a mailbox and all future [00:46:00] messages from that sender are gone, not in your trash, just gone.

[00:46:04] Um, one of my other favorite features is the snooze folders. You can create custom folders with a certain time intervals on them. Like I have one for saying next week saying tomorrow, saying later this afternoon, and I just move a message to one of those folders. And in that period of time after it’s elapsed, it comes back to my inbox as an unread message, uh, which, you know, like a lot of I use spark on my phone, which has its own snooze feature and a lot of email clients do now, but I use multiple email clients.

[00:46:41] And my favorite one on the Mac is MailMate which doesn’t have snooze feature. Having the SaneBox news folders lets me use the same method. Every email client on every device that I have and, and keeps them keep, keeps my snooze. Like if you snooze in spark on your [00:47:00] phone and then go to MailMate and you want to see a message that you know is snoozed, you can’t get to it, but with sane, snooze folders, you totally can.

[00:47:11]There’s also one called sane reminders that will ping you. If someone hasn’t replied your email by a certain date. Anyway, see how SaneBox can magically remove distractions from your inbox with a two week free trial visit sanebox.com/overtired today to start your free trial and get a $25 credit that’s S a N E B O x.com/overtired.

[00:47:37] I recommend SaneBox to everybody I use. This is not an affiliate link for me, but when I recommend it personally, I use an affiliate link and I have my next three years of SaneBox paid for because so many people have signed up from that link. You want to get it, you will have trouble living without it.

[00:47:55] So sanebox.com/overtired. Highly recommend everybody check it out. [00:48:00]

[00:48:00]Christina: [00:48:00] Awesome.

[00:48:02]Brett: [00:48:02] Okay. So, so, so I was just talking to my sweetheart about the fact that so many great iOS games came out with like more monetized, double versions, and eventually let the original version die.

[00:48:24] And sometimes not even more monetized bubble, they just thought they had a more fun way to like monsters eight, my condo amazing first version, second version. Totally different concepts, still fun, but not as fun.

[00:48:38] Christina: [00:48:38] Right. If they were like, they were like trying to chase, like what the trends were with games.

[00:48:43] Brett: [00:48:43] Yeah. And they let the first one diet no longer runs on current addresses.

[00:48:47] And it’s very frustrating and angry birds went down that path. Uh, like I had a blast with the first version. And so like a day or two after I had this conversation with [00:49:00] L a angry birds, reloaded came out out and it went back to the original formula.

[00:49:07] And it’s just the first version with a few extra like power ups and ad-ons, but it’s all the fun of the first game. And it was very serendipitous that I was complaining about this. And then they came through and I’m once again, playing angry birds,

[00:49:24] Christina: [00:49:24] That’s awesome,

[00:49:26] Brett: [00:49:26] all over. Right.

[00:49:27] Christina: [00:49:27] man. So I met one of the angry birds, uh, creators. Once he came to Mashable, he was like six, 10. My actual actually, actually, actually he might’ve been over seven feet tall. I don’t remember. But I remember in that office, like we, we had a thing where like, we drew, like we took like, you?

[00:49:45] know, his height and my height and like drew them on the wall because he was just like such a big guy.

[00:49:51]Um, they also, they sent me angry birds bands ones, which were probably the coolest shoes I’ve ever had. So those are my, and I actually had the angry [00:50:00] birds, plush animals that like I bought, um, I loved angry birds back in the day. So I I’m glad to know that that reloaded thing or whatever is back. Is it like an apple or cage or is it just like in the app store?

[00:50:11] Like

[00:50:12] Brett: [00:50:12] in arcade.

[00:50:13] Christina: [00:50:13] nice.

[00:50:14] Brett: [00:50:14] Did, did you know that when the original version of angry birds was released, there were only five people bull on the team. It was a fight person team making a game that became a goddamn movie.

[00:50:28] Christina: [00:50:28] Yes. Um, uh, a series of movies and that, like, I don’t remember how much EA bought Rovio for, but they bought them for a lot of money and yeah.

[00:50:37] Brett: [00:50:37] That’s a, that’s a developer success story right there.

[00:50:41] Christina: [00:50:41] Oh, it’s the biggest one. The only problem they had was that they, some of the SQLs and some of the other stuff they did over the years wasn’t as successful. And like you said, they went into the IEP space where like, oh, you have to have coins and you have to, you know, like have this many lives and do these things to get power ups in this and that, which ruined the whole thing, in my opinion.

[00:50:59] Brett: [00:50:59] It’s [00:51:00] a totally different game.

[00:51:01] Christina: [00:51:01] completely, and then, you know, they, they had like a lot of, um, they struggled, I think is some of the, the, the like angry birds two was good. And they had, like, there was bad piggies, but like, you know, there’s only so much you can kind of do in terms of the level design with this sort of thing.

[00:51:14] And, you know, it’s, it’s like, uh, but I think it was probably the first. Yeah.

[00:51:19] I think it was like the in for a time. I think it was the strongest, like, but it was like, if we want to be honest, I think it was the first mobile gaming IP, right? Like that, that you could, uh, that could, you know, obviously doesn’t have the longevity of like an intense, like a Mario or Sonic or whatever, but Yeah,

[00:51:35] it became a movie and the movies did well and you know, they sold merch.

[00:51:39] Like I bought the freaking plush dolls back when I lived in Atlanta, I had them. Um, so I mean, that’s how long ago it was like, it was like, I think it’s, I actually I’ll have to go back and look and Mashable ruined their website. They did a redesign and they did shitty stuff with all of the old stuff that had been written before they’d [00:52:00] moved to this new custom CMS.

[00:52:01] So anything written like pre early 2016, they. Stripped of all the formatting got rid of all the photos, got rid of all the links, any of the shortcodes like they really did the worst red Jack sort of thing they could have possibly done in archiving it. So, uh, it sucks to try to go back and read it in my old work because I’m like, well, now I can’t.

[00:52:23] Um, but, uh, that, uh, I, I’m pretty sure that I wrote something a decade plus ago about how it was like the, the Mario of the mobile age because of, of how it was like the first like mobile grown, you know, like true success brand sort of thing.

[00:52:42] Brett: [00:52:42] What was the, what was the one that, oh, epic? What was the epic game?

[00:52:47] Christina: [00:52:47] Oh, um, infinity, um, sor uh, infinity, whatever.

[00:52:53] Brett: [00:52:53] the one that, that got into the big snafu with apple about

[00:52:57] Christina: [00:52:57] Oh, okay.

[00:52:58] Brett: [00:52:58] Fortnite. Yeah. [00:53:00] I feel like Fortnite came maybe close to that level of, of success.

[00:53:06] Christina: [00:53:06] Oh, most definitely. And it’s free to play, but Fortnite is not just on mobile. Right? Like,

[00:53:11] Brett: [00:53:11] Oh, that is a major difference. Yeah.

[00:53:13] Christina: [00:53:13] and it didn’t launch on mobile. Like angry birds was interesting and that it was an iPhone game. And then it was eventually ported to all these other things. Like you could, like, it was on Roku TVs at one point.

[00:53:24] Like, you know,

[00:53:25] Brett: [00:53:25] Yeah.

[00:53:27] Christina: [00:53:27] so that, that, that’s what I meant. Like, it was like the first it’s the first mobile IP game. Like not to say that there weren’t people who had oh, cause people will be like, oh, well there was this. And there was that. I was like, nothing. That was a cultural phenomenon that was massively successful.

[00:53:40] You know, that was easy to do. And it’s just these five finish guys, like you said,

[00:53:45] Brett: [00:53:45] can I do an add thing to you and jump back to a previous topic?

[00:53:49] Christina: [00:53:49] of course.

[00:53:50] Brett: [00:53:50] Of course, that’s what we do. That’s that’s

[00:53:52] Christina: [00:53:52] I mean, this is our show.

[00:53:54] Brett: [00:53:54] Um, do you think I could make a hack and Tosh out of the framework? Laptop?

[00:53:58]I have no idea [00:54:00] what goes into a hack and cash to begin with. So I don’t know

[00:54:02] Christina: [00:54:02] okay. So here’s, here’s the problem with it? Cause I actually looked into that. Here’s the issue, um, right now, no, unless you have an external GPU, uh, or you are able to go through some sort of emulation layer because, um, the last Intel like support that they have is for the 10th generation processors.

[00:54:22] So the love and the gin ships that they’re using and then newer Z, um, um, like, Uh,

[00:54:28] integrated graphics. There aren’t any drivers for That So unless apple somehow releases another, you know, like Intel-based Mac and they somehow update their drivers. Um, there are rumors.

[00:54:42] Brett: [00:54:42] not going to happen.

[00:54:44] Christina: [00:54:44] Well, probably not for the Z. However, there are, or rumors that suggest that they will be releasing an updated Mac pro that we’ll be running the Xeon, like the latest Yon processor.

[00:54:56] So if that happens, which honestly, I kind of believe [00:55:00] that, um, I could see them doing that. Um, if that were to happen, it’s possible that at that point there might be some updated drivers, however, no, you wouldn’t have any sort of accelerated graphics at all. So what you need to do in this, because I’m looking into this myself, you would need to have like an external GPU.

[00:55:18] Um, and, uh, and it would need to be like an AMD GPU. And then, yeah, I think it would work because like I’ve hack and tossed my, uh, 2018, uh, meet book pro. Um, I had to get a different, um, wireless ship for it though, but that’s the shitty thing. Everything else about it would be like perfect hack Antosz material, except apple doesn’t have drivers for the dam.

[00:55:39] Um, 11th gen, um, Intel thing. Yeah,

[00:55:44] Brett: [00:55:44] Okay.

[00:55:44]Christina: [00:55:44] sadly.

[00:55:46]Brett: [00:55:46] I just, I don’t have any interest in running a windows machine, but the configurability of it is

[00:55:53] Christina: [00:55:53] No, I know. Well, that’s what I’m saying. And also they have like native Linux support and like, Yeah.

[00:55:59] that’s the thing, [00:56:00] right? Like, I, I have the same kind of thing. I’m like, I really, for me, this is why I will more than likely be returning the Dell because I would like to have one windows, laptop, um, uh, just, you know, to play around with, although I will spend 99% of my time, you know, on Mac stuff.

[00:56:17] But, uh, the, the configurability and all the nerdy stuff is like, just so appealing. And that honestly, it’s weird. Like, I think this is why I have now gotten to the point where I want like a, uh, a PC laptop, some sort it’s not about the operating system. It’s just like, I don’t have an option to do any of that stuff with the Mac.

[00:56:37] So if I want to get my nerd on. I have to use like Linux or windows. Not that I really want to, but that’s where we are in this, so

[00:56:47] Brett: [00:56:47] I have one more hardware thing before we go,

[00:56:50] Christina: [00:56:50] yeah.

[00:56:50] Brett: [00:56:50] despite my, my stream deck trials and tribulations with El Gato support, um, I ordered the El Gato face cam when they announced [00:57:00] it and it is a great webcam. Uh,

[00:57:04] Christina: [00:57:04] looks great.

[00:57:05] Brett: [00:57:05] thing that I most wanted, the re the selling point for me. So I had this like green screen that pits on the back of my chair.

[00:57:15] Except with a 10 80 P Logitech webcam. I have to use a webcam settings, the like the external app store app to zoom it in enough that you can’t see the edges of the green screen because it’s too wide a view and the FA oh, and so the problem with that, that’s great. But zoom constantly override. The setting.

[00:57:39] So like someone will like start shoot screen-sharing. And when zoom moves my video to the side, it’ll like zoom it out. And all of a sudden I’m sitting there with like a square, uh, green screen surrounded by my messy office. Um, the, the face cam you can set a zoom and then save it to [00:58:00] the hardware. So it, you can configure it without an external application and any app that accesses, it will be forced to use those presets.

[00:58:10] So that is like besides being a great cam with, with excellent, uh, exposure and white balance and resolution, uh, it, it, it has, uh, it has hardware configurability.

[00:58:24] Christina: [00:58:24] Yeah.

[00:58:24] no, I, I, um, I looked at that I don’t need a webcam. Um, but I was like, where was this a year ago? Cause this would have been great rather than me spending $1,100. On my, my Sony camera, I mean, which is obviously better, but like this, the quality that, that I’ve seen him, like for a lot of people, it’s going to be a big step up.

[00:58:43] And I, like, I know a lot of people were complaining that it doesn’t have a microphone built in. I’m like, that’s a plus for me, because I’m going to use an external microphone. And I would encourage most people to use an external microphone. Like we have, we were like, oh, well, if you’re traveling this or that, I’m like, if you’re traveling, you probably are still taking your AirPods or something with you, [00:59:00] which even your AirPods are going to be a better mic than what we built into your webcam.

[00:59:05] So,

[00:59:06] Brett: [00:59:06] Yeah,

[00:59:07] Christina: [00:59:07] Yeah. Um,

[00:59:08]Brett: [00:59:08] Anyway, that was a weird episode.

[00:59:11] Christina: [00:59:11] this was a weird episode. No, but I’m glad, I’m glad that you like it. That’s good to know. I, I have, I’ve given El Gato. This is why I was really mad about them. Like with their support stuff with you, because I’ve given them so much money in the last 12 months, I’ve bought almost everything they make and I don’t need the face cam, but I was like, well, if I go back to the office, And I want a better one, you know, for the office.

[00:59:37] And I, and I’m obviously not going to buy a second, uh, expensive camera or whatever. Then I was like, well, maybe, maybe I’ll get it for that. Right.

[00:59:45] Like, you know, or, or maybe it would be a good, like maybe doable, like travel thing. If, if, if travel comes back or whatever. So it was like looking at these things, but I have like the key light air.

[00:59:54] I have two of those. I have the multi Mount. I have the, um, the, the, um, [01:00:00] pull-down green screen. I have the HD 60 S plus I have the, uh, the, uh, cam link 4k. Like I literally have like almost I had the, um, uh, the ring light. Like I, have everything practically. They saw, I have to have the stream deck XL. So like, when I heard this, I was like, okay, I’m really mad at Coursera right now.

[01:00:19] We’re not treating you well, because that makes me like question how I’ve spent all this money on stuff, but they did at least come through. Have you received your report?

[01:00:28] Brett: [01:00:28] I just got it. Uh, last week I now have both of my stream decks working again. And so I, we’re going to go over a little bit here. Um, I, I set up my stream decks so that, uh, like, so my stream deck mini, which is six buttons. Uh, I have it as like my auxiliary, when I switched to a profile on my regular stream deck, it sets up six extra buttons on the auxiliary stream [01:01:00] decks.

[01:01:00] So like when I, when, uh, screen, uh, ScreenFlow loads, it loads up all of the editing buttons on the regular stream deck, but on the stream deck mini it loads up the recording button. So I can start, stop, pause, add markers, uh, open the recording, monitor all from the mini I’ve got this perfect like tandem stream deck system set up.

[01:01:24] I love it. And you can control one stream deck from another. I’m having so much fun.

[01:01:32] Christina: [01:01:32] Yay. That’s awesome.

[01:01:33] Brett: [01:01:33] Have you seen, re incubate cammo

[01:01:36] Christina: [01:01:36] Yeah.

[01:01:36] Brett: [01:01:36] this may actually have even come up on this show before, but

[01:01:39] Christina: [01:01:39] I think you might’ve been the one who told me about it. That’s that’s an app that lets you use, um, your, um, um, yeah.

[01:01:45] Brett: [01:01:45] As a webcam it’s

[01:01:47] Christina: [01:01:47] It’s pretty cool.

[01:01:48] Brett: [01:01:48] if you have, if you have a good mounting setup, but you can get a gorilla pod for,

[01:01:53] Christina: [01:01:53] I was going to say, get a gorilla pod or, or, um, something else even like, if you get some of those things you can frame with it. Yeah. That’s, that’s a [01:02:00] really good option.

[01:02:02] Brett: [01:02:02] unless you have, you know, uh, uh, uh, max pro size iPhone that you can’t possibly mute, or it can’t pop possibly mountains, still be able to see your screen around. Uh, it’s a good option anyway. Yeah. So this episode got, it was diverse. If yes, diverse would be my word. heroine, customizable laptops, angry birds, uh, webcams.

[01:02:30] I feel like we hit, we hit all. We hit all the important stuff. All this stuff kids are talking about today, we hit it all.

[01:02:37] Christina: [01:02:37] Honestly, this was like our most tech heavy episode in a really long time. And I’m, I I’m glad for it. I’m here for it.

[01:02:42] Brett: [01:02:42] I will say your episode last week with Ashley, uh, Skedda uh, was very listener bubble. Uh, you got into gaming, which is great because I can’t talk about gaming. I have nothing to add to that conversation, but I feel like it’s an important like tech [01:03:00] topics. So thank you for a great show. I, uh, I enjoyed it much more than the who’s fuckable in 2000 boy bands episode.

[01:03:08]Christina: [01:03:08] We tried. We tried. Yeah. That, that one didn’t go in that direction. So it was, Yeah. it was more gaming and tech kind of, rather than, than being, um, uh, pop culture related it. Look, we all have multitudes. Okay. So

[01:03:22]Brett: [01:03:22] Yeah. Nice job. Thanks for doing that.

[01:03:25] Christina: [01:03:25] Thank you. Happy birthday. I’m glad that your, um, oral surgery went well. How, how did your recovery go? How are you feeling

[01:03:31] Brett: [01:03:31] I am fully recovered now. It was a rough week. I didn’t sleep much. They gave me zero pain meds after pulling out half my jaw. Um, and I only have half a mouth now, so I’m learning to eat with half my mouth until next March. So, um,

[01:03:45] Christina: [01:03:45] then, and then, and then you’re getting like implants or whatever.

[01:03:48] Brett: [01:03:48] yeah. Yes. I still at my job in full dental coverage. I will be getting implants.

[01:03:54] Christina: [01:03:54] You’re going to still have your job and full dental. So,

[01:03:56] Brett: [01:03:56] Yeah.

[01:03:57] Christina: [01:03:57] and are you putting enough, are you putting up for enough March because they [01:04:00] need to for your healing or are you like, is this how you’re like cheating the insurance.

[01:04:04] Brett: [01:04:04] Healing. It takes, it takes four months for the extraction to heal. Uh, then they add the, uh, like the posts for the implants. Then that takes four months to heal. Then they can add the teeth to it,

[01:04:18] Christina: [01:04:18] Oh God.

[01:04:19] Brett: [01:04:19] it also works out so that I can hit my dental max

[01:04:22] Christina: [01:04:22] No, I was

[01:04:23] Brett: [01:04:23] two different years.

[01:04:24] Christina: [01:04:24] no. Well, th this is why I was asking, because my dentist has done that with me before. She’s like, okay, well, we’re going to schedule things are all, all around this time. And that way, when you come back after the first of the year, you’ll have a new deductible and I’m like, you’re smart.

[01:04:39] Brett: [01:04:39] Yeah. That’s my dentist said the exact same thing. They usually schedule stuff like this out over a couple of years.

[01:04:44]Christina: [01:04:44] Love it.

[01:04:45] Brett: [01:04:45] All right. Well, Christina, get some sleep.

[01:04:49] Christina: [01:04:49] get some sleep. Brett.