235: The Most Taylor Swift Thing

Coding, Keyboards, and Taylor Swift. I had an alliteration thing started and Taylor ruined it. Ruined it, I say.

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Brett: [00:00:00] [00:00:00]

[00:00:04] Hey, should I do the intro this week?

[00:00:06] Christina: [00:00:06] Yeah, I think so.

[00:00:07] Brett: [00:00:07] I feel like it’s, Hey, this is Brett. And I’m here with Christina and you’re listening to over tired. See, it’s been a while since I really screwed up. Well,

[00:00:17] Christina: [00:00:17] I liked that though. I think that was actually a good intro. I like it when we mess up as does the ins, so

[00:00:22] Brett: [00:00:22] I feel like it was a very familiar intro. No last names, just,

[00:00:25] Christina: [00:00:25] Breton Christina.

[00:00:26] Brett: [00:00:26] we all know each other here

[00:00:28] Christina: [00:00:28] Basically. Yeah. How are you doing Brett?

[00:00:30] Brett: [00:00:30] I am. I’m good. I we have, so we’ve been keeping the kitten. Can I just talk about my kitten? We’ve been keeping the kitten upstairs with the pet gate and then Yeti likes to come down with me. So I’ll let him down. When I go down to my office. And recently I’ve wanted to give Yeti like free roam without the gate.

[00:00:53]So we have to keep the dog from going downstairs. Cause if she gets downstairs, she poops in the basement, which [00:01:00] sucks. And so I took an angle grinder and I cut a pole out of the gate. So now it’s big enough for the cats to fit through, but not the dog. And so now the kitten is exploring the basement, which is clearly Yeti’s territory.

[00:01:14] So she’s a lot nicer to Yeti down here, but that means that on a regular basis, I suddenly have a kitten in my lap while I’m working and I’m waiting for it to happen during this podcast. I left the door open almost specifically so that I could be delighted by a cat, just jumping into my lap. That was a really long story to tell you that there’s a kitten in my office.

[00:01:36]Christina: [00:01:36] No, but I liked it and I like that she’s in your office and I liked that. She’s doing well. This is actually though a good segue into Brett’s mental health corner. Although first, do we have any sponsors this week?

[00:01:45]Brett: [00:01:45] W we are sponsored by a ritual this week. I’ll do the read on that when we get to it.

[00:01:51] Christina: [00:01:51] Fantastic. Now I just wanted it to be able to give them a shout out earlier in the show. If we needed to, I don’t know how the contract stuff

[00:01:57] Brett: [00:01:57] Yeah, no, they don’t ask for it, but [00:02:00] that’s we go above and beyond and let you know that we are sponsored by ritual at the top of the show

[00:02:05]Christina: [00:02:05] Solutely all right. So let’s segue now into breaths. Men’s Brett’s mental health corner. So other than, having to keep the cat from pooping in the basement, how the dog, I’m sorry, the dog poops in the basement. I’m sorry. The dog groups, the basements. And you need to keep the kitten away from it.

[00:02:22] Other than that how are you doing.

[00:02:23]Brett: [00:02:23] Overall really good. For some reason today I’m super scattered and I just cannot latch onto one project, which I know ADHD, but I’ve been super good for the last month. So this is weird.

[00:02:39] Christina: [00:02:39] Yeah. I was going to say when we were talking before our show about a couple of things that you’re like, yeah, I’m super scattered and I can’t focus on anything like important. I was like, Oh Oh weekday, because I don’t know this year, especially my ADHD has been out of control, but I’ve been really glad yours has been better, but I’m super sorry that it’s not, but other [00:03:00] than the ADHD, Venus everything else good on, on the mental health front.

[00:03:04] Brett: [00:03:04] Yeah I just had an appointment with my psychiatrist. Was it yesterday or the day before? I forget now. But I was happy to report for that since our last meeting, I had not had a single, like upper down mood swing. Things are so stable and not like boring, stable, like I’m in like a good place.

[00:03:23] Christina: [00:03:23] So I’m so happy to hear that. So it’s you’re not drugged. You’re not like in like a stasis point, but you’re also not like having the, instability thing. That’s awesome.

[00:03:31] Brett: [00:03:31] Yeah, I think it’s a good time to start a day job.

[00:03:34]Christina: [00:03:34] Honestly, it is any updates on that.

[00:03:36]Brett: [00:03:36] No, I keep getting messages of encouragement and just be patient it’s going to happen. So I’m just being patient now. I believe them it’s going to happen.

[00:03:46]Edit: got the offer this morning

[00:03:48]Christina: [00:03:48] Okay, so I’m sorry for being distracted I a bit, but I’m very happy to hear that things are progressing well on that front. I’m very sorry to be distracted. This is my ADHD ness breaking news on my [00:04:00] front and I don’t know, like I might have to sell in a couple of minutes. I don’t know. I made a meme post shit, post bad financial decision about 36 hours ago.

[00:04:09]Coinbase, the crypto, like holding things or whatever, what public and before it was going public crazy stuff was happening with the doge coin, which, it was like a fake currency and

[00:04:21] Brett: [00:04:21] was a fake currency.

[00:04:23] Christina: [00:04:23] yeah, I’m cur I bought it at $500 36 hours ago. I’m currently at over 800. In doge coin. It’s no it’s gone up 60% in 36 hours.

[00:04:35]Oh no. Okay. Now I’m back down to seven 86. I should have sold when I was at 800, but I’m going to have to not watch this because this is just insane to me. Like I literally bought it as a Lark and it’s very possible that yeah, if it hits, if I get to the point where I’m, I’ve doubled my money, aren’t getting anywhere close to that.

[00:04:51] I’m getting out and I’m being like, ha. Because this is dumb. This is the dumbest thing ever.

[00:04:56] Brett: [00:04:56] If you want to check it, when we get to the sponsor read, if you want to [00:05:00] check in and figure out if you need to sell I’ll cover for you.

[00:05:03]Christina: [00:05:03] Yeah, no, I just that was it. The ADHD thing, but also just the stupidity of the world right now. If we can be totally honest because there, I forgot that I had money in an account that I was able to buy stuff with and I was just like, okay, I’ll just do this because it will be funny. And I’m, it’s midnight, I’m bored and whatever.

[00:05:22]And yes, I recognize my immense privilege that I just had $500 that I could essentially flush down the toilet. However but in fairness to me, I’d already accounted for it, not being around, like I’d already budgeted around it. So anyway but I also acknowledged my massive privilege and all of this having said that this is still stupid, even by those like, this is just dumb.

[00:05:43] So

[00:05:44] Brett: [00:05:44] One time. I so you’ve heard of MindMeister the online mind-mapping tool.

[00:05:52] Christina: [00:05:52] I have.

[00:05:53] Brett: [00:05:53] They, I have like affiliate links for them. Cause I’m a big fan and I talk about them all the time. So they sent me up with the affiliate [00:06:00] program and I started using those links. This is a few years back. Probably almost a decade ago.

[00:06:06] I started using them and then promptly forgot that they were affiliate links. So after a couple years I remember, Oh, I should go check my account there and see if I’ve made any money. There was $2,000 sitting in my account that I had to request a withdrawal of. Cause I forgot that I had money. like to make a correction at the top of the hour here. I, and I know that I do this wrong and I didn’t think about it, but I went with P w N E D. I know it’s pronounced poned, but I always say pond. I, when I insert the missing Val, I always pick a, and then you followed my lead on that because you’re very polite.

[00:06:49] But our entire last episode about pony judge, I kept saying ponage. So I would like to admit my mistake and make a public [00:07:00] correction that it is poem.

[00:07:01] Christina: [00:07:01] Okay. It is pony. And this is where I now admit like one of my mistakes. I think I followed you along because I’ve never pronounced the P I’ve always just pronounced it as own edge.

[00:07:12]Brett: [00:07:12] Okay. And I think there’s an argument to be made for that too. Let’s just not say words that are only meant to be written.

[00:07:20] Christina: [00:07:20] Yeah. Let’s just not say elite, speak aloud.

[00:07:22]Brett: [00:07:22] Yeah. But we’ll just go silent. That doesn’t work.

[00:07:26] Christina: [00:07:26] No, it doesn’t

[00:07:27] Brett: [00:07:27] could spell the words out every time. You know what I didn’t do before we started.

[00:07:33] Christina: [00:07:33] What’s that

[00:07:34] Brett: [00:07:34] See if anyone left us a goddamn review on iTunes yet

[00:07:38]Christina: [00:07:38] I was going to say I haven’t checked and I would very much like to see if anybody has listened to us and has done that, because that would be really great.

[00:07:48] Brett: [00:07:48] showing results for over tired. Oh, I’m in music. I have to open. It’s a separate app now.

[00:07:55] Christina: [00:07:55] I know, I hate it so much.

[00:07:57]Brett: [00:07:57] This is good radio.

[00:07:59] Christina: [00:07:59] This is [00:08:00] fantastic. Are you, this is why people listen to our podcast and leave us one star. No, excuse me. Two star reviews, because we tried and they’re like, this is the most boring stuff ever. And it sounds like two really tired people. That’s exactly what this

[00:08:11]Brett: [00:08:11] We have new one. W we have a couple. Oh, okay. Okay. From someone named Dayton, TP, for someone with anxiety, OCD, and stays up too late each night, I can relate to many of the topics of discussion on this podcast. I have also been in software development for over 20 years. So I enjoy that side of the discussions.

[00:08:32]Five stars,

[00:08:34] Christina: [00:08:34] Oh, thank you. Dayton PT. That’s so nice.

[00:08:37]Brett: [00:08:37] Star review from Sam salmon. Seminoma. Only better when tired, both tech and some pop news, media, bits, and pieces, both hosts are excellent and true longtime friends. And it shows the sh the show is quirky, but awesome. I can’t say I’ve heard them all, but I did start listening pretty early.

[00:08:56] Christina was in Brooklyn. Wow. W [00:09:00] people did listen to us. Oh. And

[00:09:02] Christina: [00:09:02] Oh, gee. Hell yeah. Thank you.

[00:09:03] Brett: [00:09:03] Jay Miller friend of the show, because they understand my brain better than me. Five stars. I got diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety after I was able to identify some of my own behavioral patterns in these two breaths men at coding States.

[00:09:18] And Christina’s excellent taste in things, code shoes, and drama. Always leave me wanting to check into everything they talk.

[00:09:24]Christina: [00:09:24] Aw. Thank you, Shea. That’s so nice. I’m going to cry. you, listeners. This is really nice.

[00:09:33] Brett: [00:09:33] Do you ever have good tastes in shoes?

[00:09:35] Christina: [00:09:35] I do have good taste in shoes.

[00:09:37]Brett: [00:09:37] I don’t get shoes. I’ve realized I love like women’s fashion. If if a significant other says, how do I look in this? I am happy to like, find all the great things about what they’re wearing. I really enjoy women’s clothing, but I don’t like there I, it’s not a foot fetish.

[00:09:56] Like I just am always happier. An [00:10:00] outfit always looks better with bare feet to me. Like I don’t, I think I dislike shoes.

[00:10:04]Christina: [00:10:04] That’s fair and shoes are definitely one of those things where you don’t always need it in an outfit. Sometimes for certain styles, it can be fine without, but I will say, I think that the right shoe can really pull an entire thing together and the wrong shoe can kill an outfit.

[00:10:24] Brett: [00:10:24] You’re going to say the left shoe.

[00:10:25] Christina: [00:10:25] Now that would have been actually funnier.

[00:10:28] Brett: [00:10:28] I think my cat’s about to unplug my microphone. If I disappear,

[00:10:31] Christina: [00:10:31] Okay.

[00:10:32]Brett: [00:10:32] It’s not the kitten. I would expect that of the kitten. It’s Yeti. Who’s decided to cruise around behind my monitor, where all the cables are wrapped up. Anyhow, let’s assume that’s not going to happen.

[00:10:44] I heard that there was, and we have to it’s part, we have to talk about it that there was a new Taylor Swift something.

[00:10:54] Christina: [00:10:54] Yes, this is very exciting.

[00:10:56] Brett: [00:10:56] Tell me about it.

[00:10:57] Christina: [00:10:57] Okay. So [00:11:00] fearless, which is Okay. I think that okay. I don’t even know where my ranking of Taylor Swift’s albums are right now because I’m a folklore and evermore truly fucked things up. And I’m probably gonna need another six months to like, sit and think on that, but it is one of her best albums and it’s definitely was her breakout album.

[00:11:18] It came out in November of 2008 and was her second album. It went on to win album of the year at the Grammys. It spawned some of her biggest early hits. You belong with me, which is one of the greatest pop songs of the 21st century. Like even grizzled rock critics. Agree with that. It’s a great pop song and love story, which is, ubiquitous and amazing.

[00:11:41] And it’s just, it’s a really good album. It has some good ballads on it. It is still very much a country album, but this was very much her like her debut album is okay. But fearless is where the Taylor Swift that we know and love and have spent years on this podcast talking about the intricacies of all the, type a shit about her.

[00:11:59]This is where that really [00:12:00] started. And she, we talked about how she’d be recorded, love story a few months back, but the out the whole album is now out and without getting into the strum and drum about why she did this is basically a rights issue. It’s basically a fuck you to the people who own her masters and then have sold them now twice.

[00:12:19]And because she is a songwriter, she owns the publishing rights and she can rerecord her songs. So she basically went back into the studio and re-recorded the album. Got many of the same people involved, to play their parts, got like the same like there was a feature on one of the songs.

[00:12:37] She got that artist back in to do the feature and made them sound as close to the originals, as one could expect, like it’s eerie. It they sound more like remasters than, re records in all honesty. And it’s it’s pretty great. I have to say, I don’t know if I love it more than the original, because there’s something about, she’s [00:13:00] 31 now vocals are not going to be the same, although she did a really good job of trying to, mimic how she sounded when she was younger, but there are uncertain songs that are just certain things where you can just hear your she’s a better vocalist now, but that doesn’t necessarily make the song better.

[00:13:13] I don’t know. It just makes it different. But it’s a pretty impressive piece of work and Definitely a money grab. And it’s definitely a rights thing. It’s a fuck you thing. It’s also, she’s refused to license any of her older songs for a television or movies and she will license the new versions.

[00:13:31] So there’s that component of it

[00:13:33] Brett: [00:13:33] I heard she really needs the cash.

[00:13:35] Christina: [00:13:35] completely. This is, we’ve talked about this for years though. You love this about our shoe. She’s such a petty bitch. Like she’s so fucking petty and this is the pettiest of Taylor Swift moves to meticulously recreate your most successful album even though yeah.

[00:13:50] Billions of dollars, millions, hundreds of millions of dollars. Sorry, go on.

[00:13:53] Brett: [00:13:53] was a Steven Wright, one liner where he said I guess it was two lines, but he said that [00:14:00] he stole all of his roommates furniture and replace it with exact duplicates. And in the morning his roommate said, Oh man, now I forgot the joke. Anyway, it would have been, this would have been an appropriate joke and a reference to Steven.

[00:14:18] It would have been great. It would’ve been, I fucked it up. I fucked it up anyway. Yeah. We talked about Taylor and her rerecording of all these albums a few episodes ago. So this is the fruit of that, huh?

[00:14:32] Christina: [00:14:32] Yeah, this is the fruit of that. And I’m pretty impressed with it. Like I said, I don’t, I think that there’s a certain magic that you can’t recreate and there’s like a certain. I don’t know, there’s something even with, if the vocals aren’t as strong, like it might technically be better, but there’s just some sort of effervescence ness of having an 18 year old, recording those songs and then being the diary of her life that you can’t recapture, which is completely okay.

[00:14:55] And that’s why I’m glad that the originals are still out there. And ultimately [00:15:00] I think that her long play on this is that she wants to devalue the masters enough that she can buy them, like for blessed than whatever the Holding company paid for them. She doesn’t want to spend $300 million on her old work.

[00:15:13] And so she would like to be able to buy them at a discount. And I think that ultimately that would happen and I could totally see if that happens her, then rereleasing dueling versions or some shit, and that would be the money grabbing and people like me will completely eat it up and it’s fine.

[00:15:27] But Ben Thompson actually wrote a pretty insightful essay on strategic Marie called non fungible Taylor Swift about kind of the process of what she did and what it means about art and artists and that’s in our show notes and that’s worth The read, I think, but it’s an interesting play.

[00:15:48] The most fun part for me, to be honest, even though Twitter was around in 2008, I certainly was not on Taylor Swift Twitter. And I don’t think Taylor Swift Twitter was a thing. And because Twitter was a very [00:16:00] different place. And so what was neat about the release and this was the same with love story.

[00:16:05] When that came out was just being able to relive and with a whole bunch of people of different age ranges, reminisce about the song and the album. But what was really fun is that my friend Frank, who is a media reporter at CNN, he’s a really big Taylor Swift fan, but he didn’t get into her until 1989.

[00:16:20]That’s his album and he’d never heard fearless before. Like he heard the singles maybe, but he’d never heard the album. And so he was able to experience it for the first time and he was texting me and he was tweeting and that was really. It’s surprisingly fun to see like a whole generation of people, both older people, but also younger people who, were maybe five years old when the original came out who are discovering it for the first time.

[00:16:45] I’ve never really heard the album, which is neat to see, like different people discovering this thing. That was very much this product of her when she was 18 years old. And I don’t know, made me think back to what my life was like when that album came out. And I was certainly not 18 years [00:17:00] old, although that is what I will lie and tell people now since I’m 29 forever.

[00:17:03]But yeah it’s it’s really interesting. I don’t know if anybody else could have done this the way that she did this except for her. But

[00:17:11] Brett: [00:17:11] So I listened to it and like I have very particular Taylor Swift tastes like there are very specific areas of Taylor Swift that I actually enjoy.

[00:17:24] Christina: [00:17:24] You liked the 1989 era stuff like that’s.

[00:17:26]Brett: [00:17:26] And folklore grew on me,

[00:17:28] Christina: [00:17:28] Yes. Oh, I’m glad to hear that. Okay.

[00:17:30] Brett: [00:17:30] like I’ll admit, like I’m still very partial to the stuff she did with bone of our,

[00:17:36] Christina: [00:17:36] Yeah. Buena bar. Absolutely.

[00:17:37]Brett: [00:17:37] But I did not love fearless.

[00:17:40] I gave it a listen. I did my due diligence. I even played some of it in the discord chat room. We have a little disco. That’ll play YouTube music for you. I gave it a shot. It’s not my Taylor Swift.

[00:17:55] Christina: [00:17:55] Yes, I can totally understand that. Cause she was it’s an 18 year old girl’s diary.

[00:18:00] [00:18:00] Brett: [00:18:00] Sure. And I, yeah, we’ve talked about my distaste for young women before. I’ve no Matt Gates. That’s all I’m saying.

[00:18:08]Christina: [00:18:08] Bazinga

[00:18:10] Brett: [00:18:10] Oh, politics. We did it.

[00:18:11] Christina: [00:18:11] Oh, politics. We did it. No, but I was going to no, but I totally get you. And I wouldn’t have expected fearless to be the album for you. I think there are where you’ll start to get in with the rereleases that I think will be more interesting to you would be red. Like red would be the album.

[00:18:25] I would want you to listen to, because to me, that’s the one I’m excited for you to hear cause red a it’s my favorite. And I don’t think you’ll love all of it, but I think you’ll like aspects of it because red to me combines the best parts of 1989 and folklore.

[00:18:40] Brett: [00:18:40] Okay. I’ll I will anxiously await that.

[00:18:44] Christina: [00:18:44] But yeah. But anyway, we had to mention that it’s out there’ve been no shortage of opinions about it as always, but good for her for. Doing the most Taylor Swift thing of all time, which is to meticulously create note for note like your old [00:19:00] work.

[00:19:00] Brett: [00:19:00] Their show titled the most Taylor Swift thing of all time took a note. It could happen. Did you know what I learned in my thirties that kind of blew my mind

[00:19:09] Christina: [00:19:09] What’s that

[00:19:11] Brett: [00:19:11] peanuts aren’t nuts.

[00:19:12]Christina: [00:19:12] right there, like yams,

[00:19:13] Brett: [00:19:13] Yeah. I didn’t, I never thought twice about that. And then in my thirties, I find out that peanuts are really beans. Yeah. I don’t know why that was on my mind.

[00:19:24] Oh. Cause I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, which I don’t do often anymore, but.

[00:19:30] Christina: [00:19:30] that’s a great sandwich.

[00:19:31] Brett: [00:19:31] Yeah. It’s if you think about it, it’s a bean salad. If the jelly is the dressing and the peanuts are the bean it’s health food.

[00:19:41] Christina: [00:19:41] it is okay. See you, but now that you put it in that perspective, because I hate beans, but I love peanuts. So I don’t know. Maybe it’s the preparation.

[00:19:50]Brett: [00:19:50] So for a long time, I hated tomatoes. Like I could not eat a fresh tomato. It made me gag. I like I would spit it out, but I always loved [00:20:00] marinara sauce. And I always loved ketchup. Both of which have, a, the tomatoes are cooked down till they’re just sweet. And then in the case of cadre up, you had sugar, and vinegar.

[00:20:10] And so I re I, I decided that I like tomatoes with enough sweetness. Something shifted for me. I, in the last year I love tomatoes. Now I can eat like raw tomato. It’s crazy. But I do understand that some things you can hate in there, like whole form, but enjoy in there cooked, modified cook, boiled down forms.

[00:20:36] Christina: [00:20:36] Yeah, I think for me, beans, it’s largely been a texture thing. And then for some of them, it is a smell thing. Like for some beans, this smell is just one of those things that just, I can’t with it. Like it’s just terrible. But I think it’s largely a texture thing weirdly. I don’t know.

[00:20:49] Brett: [00:20:49] I was like that with mushrooms no mushrooms were both smell and texture for me. But then I got obsessed with fungi, guy in general, and just like [00:21:00] from a biological perspective, it’s amazing stuff. And that made me like reconsider my stance on eating mushrooms and that developed to now.

[00:21:12] I still don’t love the texture, but now I love mushrooms.

[00:21:15]Christina: [00:21:15] Interesting. Interesting. I enjoy the flavor of mushrooms. I like, like what they can add to something. I also don’t love the texture, but if it can be hidden enough in something that I can deal with it, but I would never eat a raw mushroom. That would never be a thing I would do.

[00:21:29] Brett: [00:21:29] Oh, I don’t know that I would eat a raw mushroom, but I do like them just lightly fried in a skillet. Yeah. One of the, one of the meals that HelloFresh taught me they should sponsor us I’ve said it before. One of the meals was like it’s, it was like a Philly cheese steak, but instead of steak, it was all just mushrooms.

[00:21:48] And so it was like just pile of mushrooms in a sandwich. And I thought, if I’m going to find out, if I really like mushrooms, this is going to be the recipe that does it. And I [00:22:00] loved it. So non fungible, what does that even mean? What does fungible mean? Is that like Fung, fungi?

[00:22:07]Christina: [00:22:07] I think that it was more of a response to the whole, like a non fungible token thing, in FTS.

[00:22:12] Brett: [00:22:12] Oh, is that what that stands for? I’m afraid. I don’t know what an NFT is. You should enlighten me.

[00:22:18]Christina: [00:22:18] It’s magic beans. So that fits with our discussion. It’s basically The way that they explain it, but this isn’t exactly what it is because it’s actually dumber than this is that somebody puts a copy of something on a blockchain and then sells that copy to someone. But because it’s a digital asset, it’s not as if it’s, it couldn’t be copied and then sold or used outside of its blockchain capability.

[00:22:44]It’s money laundering is basically what it is. But in truth it’s people pointing to Jason files on a blockchain that go to a server somewhere that linked to a digital asset of some sort okay. Like [00:23:00] dumb it’s money laundering. And I’m actually, I’m only being 50% flip there because I’m convinced that the huge surge and NFT pricing is much like the surge in my doge coin.

[00:23:10]It’s just completely. Stupid and unexplainable, but also I think in the case of NFTs, pretty much money laundering.

[00:23:19] Brett: [00:23:19] All right. So you sent me this this essay and I feel like it’s worth mentioning do you want to introduce it or should I give my impression of it? So it’s basically, it’s called embrace the grind by Jacob Kaplan Moss and it’s about it starts out talking about the secret to a good magic trick is putting in so much work behind the scenes that no one would assume.

[00:23:47] Like a, an amount of work that no one would assume you, you would put in, go beyond that kind of reasonable limit. And then it seems like magic. You’ll always be fooled. If you can assume that [00:24:00] nobody would do that much work. And it it in, in it winds its way through to comparing that, to to programming and and like development in general.

[00:24:11] And I love this he, he quotes Larry Walls from the virtues of the programmer defines laziness as the quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you right labor saving programs that other people will find useful and document what you wrote. So you don’t have to answer so many questions about it.

[00:24:32]And that really speaks to me.

[00:24:35] Christina: [00:24:35] 100%. Yeah, no I really liked the essay. Jacob was one of the co-founders of Django and which, I think is. Is great. And the re I, you’ve used Django, right? Yeah. I love the whole history of that project just as a brief aside, because it can bind my two favorite things, which are media and programming, because it was created while at, I think it was the Lawrence press.

[00:24:59] I think that [00:25:00] was the name of it, but it was at a newspaper in Kansas city and they needed a system and he created they created Django, to basically be their system for running their newspaper. And I love that anyway. I really liked the essay and it, I maybe think of you.

[00:25:15] And so I was glad that we could talk about it because some of the stuff, cause I could see so many things in that like both the Larry Wall quote that you quoted is the completely you, but also the nature of sometimes what we do and what we automate, is magic, but that sometimes you have to do the work.

[00:25:32] Even when it is mundane and tedious and not something that anybody would want to do or thing to do. And that’s how you can get really incredible results. I don’t know. It made me think of you

[00:25:44] Brett: [00:25:44] yeah. It’s the idea that it’s laziness that drives me to do a lot of what I do. I like, I see a problem that I know it would be possible through, a significant amount of work [00:26:00] to make that problem automated and make it go away. So I am fine myself, willing to put her in an entire weekend to write one script that will save me the first time I run it, it’ll save me 45 seconds and then I’ll just have to plan to keep using it for the next, year to actually add up, to save the amount of time I invested in it, which is XKCD is a automation graph.

[00:26:27] I’ll find the link for that. But I also, I enjoy putting in that work

[00:26:31] Christina: [00:26:31] I do too. I do too. I actually, no, I love putting the network and it was funny because the example that he gives, I’ve never done anything quite to that scale of kind of mundanity, but it reminded me it, and it’s always a metadata problem. It always is. At least for me, for some of these tasks where at Mashable, we had to redo our tagging system.

[00:26:54] And it was one of those things where like at first the tech team and we’re all looking at ways they can maybe [00:27:00] automate the system and they could maybe do this and that, but then there were false positives and there was other stuff and I was getting frustrated. And so finally I was just like, okay, this is what we’re doing.

[00:27:09] And I, I recruited a few people and I was like, we’re going to stay after work for, three or four hours. We’re going to order pizza. We’re going to drink beer. And we are going to by hand, go through the entire archive and clean up the tax

[00:27:24] Brett: [00:27:24] you should have called me. I so at two hours before I actually worked for AOL I got frustrated with the fact that people would just randomly tag every post and use different spellings of what should have been the same tag and thereby completely defeat the purpose of tagging. So I wrote an auto tag plugin that would go.

[00:27:46] And while you were writing, because in text. Obviously you were writing and it would read your post search, the list of existing tags and suggest tags that already existed, that would apply to the posts you are [00:28:00] writing. I replicated this as a WordPress plugin and and it could also, Oh, once I got the AOL gig and had access to the actual database, I went through and did like automated cleanup across and gadget and the unofficial Apple web blog to consolidate plurals and capitalizations and con like snake case things that were hyphenated.

[00:28:24] And like just wrote these scripts, took me probably a week to cause you don’t want to fuck that up. You’re like you’re going right after the main database that runs high traffic sites. So you got to take your time, but I did it and I made that metadata sparkle.

[00:28:42] Christina: [00:28:42] Yeah, we had something. I think that it was not as extensive as what you did, but I think that we did have some layer, at least at first where we’d either identified, things that could have been like misspellings or were similar enough, like fuzzy stuff and things that have hyphens versus spaces.

[00:28:58] So we had some of that was already [00:29:00] grouped together. So some of that work was done and we didn’t go through the entire, like at that point, I think the site was, I think this was 2012 when we did this. Maybe it’s 2011. I don’t remember. I think it was 2012. At that point that the site was.

[00:29:14]Seven years old. And so there was a bunch of stuff in the early stuff. Like anything before, I’d say like 2009, we didn’t care that much about, but there were some things that that we did and it was just, and we kind of group things into, we also I, so we didn’t care about certain things before a certain date because it didn’t matter.

[00:29:34] And then there were certain things that we did care a lot about certain categories we wanted to make sure we’re correct in a certain way. And there were focus areas, so it wasn’t like we had to go through every single post, but it was a lot. And the reason being like, they automated as much as they could.

[00:29:50] And they did co combined. So that if you went to a tag page for either like the words together or separated by a comma or a dash, or not a comment but like a dash [00:30:00] or whatever, like both would show up. So that was already done in, in the rejects and the redirects, but we needed to make sure that stuff that might not have been tagged.

[00:30:08] Appropriately at all got tagged. And that’s something that you couldn’t automate. That was something that there were, in some cases, people just didn’t tack stuff and didn’t put things in the raw and the proper, orders and whatnot. And we couldn’t find a tech problem around it. And it was getting so frustrated.

[00:30:21] I was like, okay, we’re, I recruited a handful of people and I was like, we’re just going to order in food and drink and do this. And we did it and then had a really good and well enforced system going forward. It was well enforced for a number of years then as there was churn, people didn’t enforce the tagging system as well.

[00:30:44]But w which is always the case. That’s always a problem, like with metadata was stuff like that. It’s ongoing. You have to be like ongoingly, like vigilant with that, but.

[00:30:52] Brett: [00:30:52] automated.

[00:30:52]Christina: [00:30:52] That’s why you automated, but what I mean is you’re bringing new people in. This is my point. If you’re bringing new people in, you have to, they need to know the way [00:31:00] of doing stuff.

[00:31:00] Cause if someone doesn’t add attack to something, then that you can’t automate around that

[00:31:06] Brett: [00:31:06] Okay. So you can though, I have scripts that go through the content STEM, all of the words, remove all the stop words and then any significant word that’s left gets compared against existing tags and uses external services to categorize and sentiment analysis. To add tags automatically. Sure.

[00:31:28]A little bit, but you can make it so that a new person coming in forgets to tag and at least the bare minimum of obvious ties get added to their post for them

[00:31:37]Christina: [00:31:37] fair enough. Although I would argue still, and I think that this is like. Part of the, doing the work thing. Cause it’s awesome that you can do that and you can build that, but I would still argue that it would be, and this is me less true to the blog post and more true to the XKCD thing that the much better resource is just to train people well about how to do tags. Yeah, but I think that if you make it as part of the [00:32:00] process, you can do things where it can auto tax stuff, but auto-tagging can also go horribly awry because you might

[00:32:04] Brett: [00:32:04] the very least. So you need auto-complete. The CMS has to, you should be able to start typing any tag and it should always finish it with an existing tag for you. If a site’s been around for seven years with the amount of content that Mashable has, you absolutely have that tag

[00:32:20] Christina: [00:32:20] And yeah, no. And we had that, we had an auto-complete thing. And so that, that worked, the problem was and this was something that they did with the automation was that if you had something misspelled in, the spelling would often come up really high. And so if you’re not paying super close attention, then it’s tagged the wrong thing.

[00:32:35] Or there are duplicate tags. Like we used to use one tag or something that we started using another, like at one point you’re using FB and for Facebook, and then another time it’s Facebook and those are the sorts of things that even with automation, they can mean different things and they can have different contexts.

[00:32:49] Google plus was a really hard one because the plus Mark would wreak havoc on stuff. It wreaks havoc for Google itself. And so we had Google dash plus G plus, Google plus as is [00:33:00] to work like that was a nightmare in and of itself to work out. Anyway, it had me thinking about that.

[00:33:04] And then early in my Microsoft career, I wasn’t on that team for very long. They were going through a similar, like metadata, just massive problem. And again, they were automating it and they were trying to go through the system and we’re reaching a point where they were doing all the things you were talking about, but there was certain stuff with just the way that some things had to be machine tacked.

[00:33:24] And some things had to be hand tagged and stuff was just not working well. And I broach the subject and I don’t think they ever did it in the team doesn’t exist anymore. But I was like, they’re only like the number of pieces of content. Wasn’t that tremendous. Like it wasn’t certainly, it wasn’t the size of the Mashable database where I was like, we could just go through this and fix this stuff.

[00:33:49] And then set up the going forward, complete auto debit system, right? Going forward, it can be done the right way, but for all your past stuff, you need to go back and clean it [00:34:00] up. Which with edge cases and whatnot and the way that those systems all worked, which were built by various people and vendors and stuff over many years would have been a nightmare to try to fix the usual ways.

[00:34:14]I still stand by it. I was like, this is going to be a slog with this should be how you fix it. Cause, cause even reading cause I reading Jacobs, example of what he did to get their ticket system under control, knowing you, I knew in your mind, you’re thinking, Oh, I could have come up with ways to do that without doing what he did, which is printing them all out on the floor and co-leading them and whatnot.

[00:34:35] And maybe you could have, but I wonder if it would have been any faster or

[00:34:39] Brett: [00:34:39] wouldn’t have liked the amount of parsing I would have to do to categorize and find duplicates.

[00:34:45]Christina: [00:34:45] Exactly. So at some time, so in some cases you just need to give up the ghost and be like, okay, we’re going to sit here with some wine or we’re going to print stuff out on the floor and do it.

[00:34:55] Brett: [00:34:55] No, I miss drinking. Both bug hunting was so much more fun [00:35:00] with with booze. Yeah. So go to Bunche, app.co I in, in, in anticipation of making bunch of commercial app, I redesigned the whole website

[00:35:11] Christina: [00:35:11] Ooh. Oh, it looks so good.

[00:35:14] Brett: [00:35:14] thanks. I wrote a bunch of the carousel on the homepage. It’s a custom plugin.

[00:35:19] And then the call-outs all if you don’t have a rubber, one of the call-outs they cert like cycling and then if you hover over one, it stops the cycle and then picks it back up. When you move your Mazda little stuff like that, I spent way too much time on, but.

[00:35:33] Christina: [00:35:33] you did. What did you build this on? Is this a Jekyll or

[00:35:35] Brett: [00:35:35] Yeah, it’s a Jackal, a Jekyll and a bunch of markdown files. It started as a theme called just the docs, but I customize it so far that it’s my own thing now. But if you go into the docs, the amount of documentation I’ve written is insane. Open up the bunch files section

[00:35:55] Christina: [00:35:55] I’m here. Oh my God.

[00:35:57]Brett: [00:35:57] it’s. Yeah. And there’s subsections [00:36:00] within substance.

[00:36:01] Christina: [00:36:01] running Apple script, running workflows. This is really great.

[00:36:03] Brett: [00:36:03] check this out. Because there’s so much documentation, it’s really easy to lose when I add new stuff. So if you go to the change log and Epic the top, there’s a recently updated documentation. You can drop that down. It uses get, when I publish a new release of bunch, I use get flow and I create a release.

[00:36:26] I tag a release and then when I generate the website it has a plugin that goes in and checks the files changed in the last commit to the main branch, which would

[00:36:38] Christina: [00:36:38] Oh my God.

[00:36:39] Brett: [00:36:39] tab.

[00:36:40] Christina: [00:36:40] Yeah. And then you can view the diff I’m looking at this. This is awesome.

[00:36:43] Brett: [00:36:43] Yeah. It works really well. It’s a super fast way to see like what’s new and change and jump right to the documentation.

[00:36:51]I’m very proud of it.

[00:36:53] Christina: [00:36:53] That’s awesome. I love that.

[00:36:56] Brett: [00:36:56] Oh, also the stars plugin that we run on [00:37:00] overtired pod.com to show your stars. I publicly released that as a plugin. I rewrote it. Couple of times actually. But now it actually does update once an hour. It doesn’t update every time, the page loads, but once an hour it refreshes the data and God damn, I made it look great.

[00:37:19] Christina: [00:37:19] Yeah, you did. That’s awesome. I’m like, I love that. Is that on your GitHub or where is

[00:37:23]Brett: [00:37:23] It’s only on my blog. I was gonna put it on a, I was going to put it right into the WordPress plugins repository directory but it still uses subversion and I refuse to install subversion, like I’m so done with SVM.

[00:37:40] Christina: [00:37:40] Oh, I know. I know, honestly. Okay. Thank you for saying this because this is no. The fact that you won’t release it in the repository because of that, because. They’ve been arguing for about eight years, at least about trying to move WordPress off of SVN. And a [00:38:00] lot of the thing has been that there are certain stuff that they use, but track that is SB and base and this and that and there’s other stuff, but what doesn’t get enough attention is now the new barrier to entry for anybody to actually publish in their ecosystem.

[00:38:13] And so this might be something that I can like point to people who I know in that community and be like, Hey, just one anecdote. I know it’s not going to change any hearts or minds, but just as an anecdote, this is something that was cool. That was too much effort and too much horror for someone to submit to the repository.

[00:38:33] So they put it on their own website instead

[00:38:36] Brett: [00:38:36] Mind that it’s a pretty dumb plugin.

[00:38:39] Christina: [00:38:39] it is, but it doesn’t matter.

[00:38:41] Brett: [00:38:41] off. Is it worth dealing with as VN to.

[00:38:44]Christina: [00:38:44] You’re completely correct. But the thing is that even if it was an important plugin, would, do you want to jump through those hoops? That’s the thing. And I think that this is where, like the WordPress people to me, bike shed and get obsessive over the stupidest shit.

[00:38:58] And don’t realize it’s okay, [00:39:00] on the high end customizability, and you’re losing the static site generators on the lower end, Squarespace is eating your lunch. You still have 40% of the web, but come on guys, like you’re losing stuff. You shouldn’t be losing here because you refuse to update your tooling.

[00:39:16] Brett: [00:39:16] I am going to in the show notes, there’s a link to get hub action that will deploy a plugin to the WordPress.

[00:39:26] Christina: [00:39:26] Yeah. I think that is it from 10 up to 10 up do this.

[00:39:29]Brett: [00:39:29] Yes.

[00:39:30] Christina: [00:39:30] Okay, great. Then Helen did this. I was going to say, okay, awesome. Yeah.

[00:39:33] Brett: [00:39:33] So it’s still, even, this was just too much set up for as dumb as my little plugin is it was too much set up, but there does exist a way. If you’re going to make, a decent plugin, you can host it on, get hub and get hub can automatically export it to the repository for you.

[00:39:53] Christina: [00:39:53] God bless Helen and the tennis team because

[00:39:56] Brett: [00:39:56] is up? Should I know more about 10 up.

[00:39:58] Christina: [00:39:58] yeah, 10 up is cool. They [00:40:00] are a, full-time like a, like very big like WordPress agency. And they also so they build a bunch of big things. If you go to their website, it’s the number 10 iupy.com like you did Politico and five 38, and MotorTrend, they’ve worked with a bunch of big brands, but they also are really interesting, I think in so far as they like have people who they allow to w.

[00:40:25] Do their full-time job as working on open source. Like I think Helen’s full-time job. She’s like the core lead developer of WordPress. And she, that is like her full-time job and tenant pays for that. And which is why she can do things like understanding. She works on ecosystem. She’s been like a release lead and other stuff in the project.

[00:40:44] She knows those politics very well, but she also sometimes has the opportunity, through her employer to be like, okay, if the, minutia nations of the open source project and the governance around wordpress.org are going to be the way that they are, then I can find [00:41:00] these solutions because we as tenants need these plugins and need these things.

[00:41:03] So we can create a good hub action to make this easier for everyone and contribute it, open source. They’ve been around, I think, about a decade and I I know a few of the people who work there and they’re good people and I, when you said that, I was like, I bet that’s a TenUp thing.

[00:41:19] Cause that seemed like something that Helen would definitely create and do, but yeah they’re cool people like if you need a, I don’t know anything about what they charge. I assume it’s a lot, but if you’re a business who’s looking for a really customizable and really solid like WordPress solution.

[00:41:35]Although I think they, they work with more than just WordPress, but they’re obviously really big with WordPress. They’re probably one of the best agencies out there.

[00:41:43] Sponsor: RitualBrett: [00:41:43] Are you ready? So there’s 10 up get hub action really fills the gap when it comes to submitting plugins to the get hub reposit, posit plugin directory. And speaking of filling gaps, ritual is a multivitamin that [00:42:00] fills the gaps in your diet.

[00:42:02] Christina: [00:42:02] yes. Hell yeah. Tell

[00:42:04] Brett: [00:42:04] episode is brought to you by ritual, a complete multivitamin that gets delivered conveniently to your door every month.

[00:42:11] Ritual. Isn’t your typical multivitamin it’s clean vegan-friendly formula is made with key nutrients in bioavailable forms that your body can actually use with no sugars, major allergens, synthetic fillers, or artificial colorants. Plus they taste all minty and good. The convenience of ritual is the key.

[00:42:30] My vitamins show up at my door without me having to think about it, place frequent orders or God forbid, leave the house. Once you get into the groove, a ritual, if you will popping to at whatever time of day works for you, gives you the benefit of filling nutrient gaps in your diet without having to think about it.

[00:42:48] And you’ll always know what nutrients you’re taking and where they come from. Thanks to rituals. One of a kind visible supply chain. Ritual multivitamins are delivered every month. With free shipping, you can [00:43:00] start snooze or cancel your subscription anytime. And if you don’t love ritual within your first month, they’ll refund your first order.

[00:43:07] So if you want to get key nutrients without the BS, ritual is offering overtired listeners 10% off during their first three months. Just visit ritual.com/overtired. To start your ritual today.

[00:43:21]Christina: [00:43:21] Fantastic. Fantastic segue as well.

[00:43:25] Brett: [00:43:25] Hi. Hi. I was waiting. I was biding my time. I feel like I actually got a, I got a good segue in, and it wasn’t like 20 minutes after the point where it would have been relevant.

[00:43:37] Christina: [00:43:37] No, you nailed it.

[00:43:38] Brett: [00:43:38] Nailed it. Nailed it just for your ritual,

[00:43:41]Christina: [00:43:41] Love it.

[00:43:42] Brett: [00:43:42] bringing my best to the game. You’re you’re you’re doing some new stuff or you’re considering some key cap stuff.

[00:43:49] Christina: [00:43:49] Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I’ve been going down this whole rabbit hole of the mechanical keyboard world and man, a, this hobby is entirely too expensive. [00:44:00] Like people always talk about that, but wow. Like I had no idea and I’m not going to be one of those people who really gets into the key CA like into buying a lot of the key cap stuff, because it’s just or the keyboard stuff in general, because it’s just incredibly expensive and just I am too ADHD.

[00:44:16] I will lose interest. You know what I mean? But I’ve been like, so the way that the key cap sets work, and I didn’t realize this, there are a handful of key cap manufacturers that are considered high quality. So there’s some fairly low quality, Chinese made ones and some of them are good, but there are a handful that are considered really high quality.

[00:44:36] And for people who want to do their own customized, key cap set the two biggest ones would be signature plastics, which is based in Washington state, but very close to Canada. And then GMK, which is based in Germany. And then there’s I think E PBT is another one. I’m not going to get into all the all the variants, but I was looking at what would go into, okay.

[00:44:56] I had an idea for maybe a color theme of what would be a good looking key cap set? How would [00:45:00] that work? And the process is interesting. And what tends to happen is that people. Create, what are known as interest checks or they get like feedback forums and they come up with kind of their designs and their colors using the available colors from the available, manufacturers.

[00:45:16] And then they create what the layout would look like. And then they create renders of what that would look like on, different keyboards and with different key profiles and that sort of thing. And then they submit interest checks and see how many people will be interested in those things. And if enough people are interested, then the small number of key cap sellers will be willing to say, okay, we will front the money.

[00:45:42] Or we will be the person who placed the order with the key cap manufacturer. Something will happen called a group buy where you need to hit a certain number to, for it to be successful. If it’s successful, then you place an order with one of those manufacturers. And then a year later you get your [00:46:00] keycaps.

[00:46:00] Brett: [00:46:00] Yeah, I follow a couple of these on a, on Instagram, mostly just to watch, but they’re constantly posting renders for that purpose to get the the interest check.

[00:46:11] Christina: [00:46:11] Yeah. I, you mentioned this because you noticed some things that I had starred and on my get hub and it was weird cause I was going down this rabbit hole and I didn’t even realize this, but Tim Vandam, who is one of my favorite designers ever has recently launched his own envy KB website where he is showing his work in progress for some of his different key cap sets Tim was really big and an icon and in web design space in in the late odds early tens and it’s still, a great designer and guy, but I literally ran across.

[00:46:42] I’m going to put that in our show notes about his Thing that shows some of his interest checks in the show notes too in bkb.com, which is a great name because Maxwell tar is a Twitter handle and an online nom de plume. And so some of the stuff that he’s running interest checks are really good.

[00:46:57]But yeah I’ve thought about it. Like my friend, [00:47:00] Sarah made a really great visual studio code theme, and I’ve been thinking about trying to get with her and be like, Hey, what if we turn that theme into a key for design.

[00:47:07]Brett: [00:47:07] Aye. Like I love putting together a key cap sets. I wish like drop, always has like group buys on key cap sets and they have some really cool ones, but because I use the ultimate hacking keyboard, which has a bizarre layout like all of the, I can’t, I, if I’m going to build a full key cap set, I have to cuss I have to custom print, like the caps lock the enter key.

[00:47:36] Like none of them are any standard size that you would find in any keyboard set. So I have to custom print about five different keys and getting custom printing that matches whatever fancy key cap set you bought is nearly impossible, which means then in order to get a matching set, I ended up custom printing things like the left shift key, [00:48:00] even though that I could find that in a set, but I can’t make it match the tab and caps lock key.

[00:48:07] So in order to get everything matching, it’s a lot of custom printing. And like some of the two, the angles, the are one through four or whatever it is. Like that’s all weird on this keyboard too, which makes it almost impossible. It’s frustrating.

[00:48:21]Christina: [00:48:21] So this now has me thinking. I’m going to investigate this more. I’m putting this in my notes for things to, to do what it would take for us to, if we were interested to maybe come up with an overtired branded set, we could put out an interest check for it. We can put it on all the places after we did our due diligence and maybe see if we could get enough interest and get a group buy.

[00:48:42] And then at the very least you could have one that would be, made from the get-go for all of your key caps.

[00:48:47] Brett: [00:48:47] All in white letters. Purple modifier. Keys

[00:48:51] Christina: [00:48:51] Okay. And what’s cool. Okay. Here’s what would be cool about that? Is that the theme that Sarah her vs code theme is purple themed. So maybe this would be a way to, to [00:49:00] do kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. I’m going to look into this now.

[00:49:03]Brett: [00:49:03] showed up. She’s biting my she’s biting my mic cable right now.

[00:49:09] Christina: [00:49:09] Sarah is Sarah is the ESCO team is called night owl, by the way.

[00:49:12] Brett: [00:49:12] NightOwl all I am so obsessed with Nord right now. Ha have you seen the stars plugin? I use the Nord color palette for that.

[00:49:20] Christina: [00:49:20] Yeah I love the Nord color palette. It’s great.

[00:49:22] Brett: [00:49:22] I, in fact, if you look@thebunchapp.co, I lifted a lot of Nord colors. I like the whole thing’s built in SAS. So like I can just change one variables filing and redo the colors for the whole site. So I just did test punched in the Nord colors and I liked it so much. I kept it.

[00:49:44] Christina: [00:49:44] Yeah, I’ve been using synth wave 84 for about two years now and that’s one of my favorites, but I love the Nord theme as well.

[00:49:51] Brett: [00:49:51] I have to look up synth wave 84.

[00:49:54]Christina: [00:49:54] Panic basically adapted it, like they worked with the guy who created it as one of their themes in [00:50:00] Nova.

[00:50:00]Brett: [00:50:00] Cool. Cool. I’m going to, Oh yeah. As far as dark themes go, that one’s pretty good. I’m not a fan of, I’m not a fan of the reddish background.

[00:50:12]Christina: [00:50:12] Yeah. And you might not like the glow of faculty, you can turn that

[00:50:15] Brett: [00:50:15] I do the glow effect. I use the glow effect all the time.

[00:50:19] Christina: [00:50:19] Yeah. The glow effect is really cool.

[00:50:20] Brett: [00:50:20] I often, Oh man. On the blues for the, like the functions that looks really good. Yeah, I’m gonna.

[00:50:27] Christina: [00:50:27] Yeah, no, it’s pretty awesome. There might be things you want to adapt with that, but yeah. And drop has a key cap set. It just went up for group. I, again, it won’t be out for a year, but I’ve been wanting it. It’s a there’s a key cap designer’s name is Mito and just dropped like the essay laser.

[00:50:41]So essay being the key caps profile and an essay is one of the exclusive profiles of signature plastics, which is one of the, he kept makers. I learned these are all things I’ve learned in like the last two weeks, Brett. I’ve really fallen down this whole world, but I I just got this, I just put in for it.

[00:50:58] I just was like, [00:51:00] screw it. There’s in a year I’ll have some really great looking keycaps.

[00:51:04] Brett: [00:51:04] Nice. Before we go, I like, I keep putting like apps I want to talk about on our lists. If we get to them, there’s one that I do want to mention because it won’t take long wrong. There’s a new Mac iOS plugin, like an extension called peak, and it gives, do you remember up until 25 15, how you could run a defaults command and make texts in a quick look, preview collectible, and then in 2015, Apple curtailed that and ever since then, if you drag your mouse across like a text preview, it just moves the window peak brings back text selection.

[00:51:45] It also does source code syntax highlighting and markdown rendering, which there are free alternatives to do both of those things. So the thing I love is the text selection. Now I can copy and paste texts out of quick look, previews of texts and sources, [00:52:00] files, and markdown files. And it is it’s worth the eight bucks to me to

[00:52:06] Christina: [00:52:06] Oh, yeah, no, I love this. And, okay, so this is in the Mac app store. It’s $8 and it’s a quick look extension,

[00:52:13]Brett: [00:52:13] Yeah.

[00:52:14] Christina: [00:52:14] which is awesome.

[00:52:15] Brett: [00:52:15] somehow they got it into the Mac app store because I’m pretty sure to

[00:52:19] Christina: [00:52:19] app that has

[00:52:21] Brett: [00:52:21] well, I’m pretty sure to accomplish this dark magic. They’re actually putting up a preview in front of the preview in the quick look. And either that, or they’re using private API, but however they did it, it’s fully fully made it through app store security.

[00:52:39] And like I was talking to the developer and he basically, they’re being very careful about what apps they let it work inside of because there are potential security concerns with however it is they’re doing it. Cause cause who to spot just added selectable texts and their internal quick look preview.

[00:52:59] And [00:53:00] ironically enough, if you’re running peak and it takes over the preview inside of who to spot, then you can’t select texts at all. Even though you have two things piled on top of each other, both of which are supposed to allow it, but that is supposed to be fixed in the next release of peak.

[00:53:17]Christina: [00:53:17] Yeah. This is awesome. And I’m interested in what he did here too. I’m now looking at the Reddit thread that, that kind of like talks about this. And of course the first comment is QL color codes are free, quick look, plugin for syntax highlighting. It’s motherfucker, this is not what this is.

[00:53:34] This is where this is. This is because

[00:53:36] Brett: [00:53:36] sure I’d even use his QL color code. Like it’s

[00:53:38] Christina: [00:53:38] I’m sure that it does. Oh, I’m sure that it does, but it’s this is all about like the banning of enable text selection, right? This is a different thing, asshole.

[00:53:47] Brett: [00:53:47] Yeah. The syntax highlighting and markdown rendering are just nice to have. And it’s nice to have those both in one plugin,

[00:53:53] Christina: [00:53:53] Exactly

[00:53:54] Brett: [00:53:54] that’s just nice,

[00:53:56] Christina: [00:53:56] so I’m just like laughing like this, the number one thing. And it’s and then somebody follows up to be [00:54:00] fair. That’s only one small part of what this app claims to do. And then he’s at negative one votes. Reddit is fucking trash, man. Like I’m telling you like the Mac apps separate it.

[00:54:08] Also the Apple, cetera are full of the most fucking imbecilic people. I’m going to hear from people on on our discord now. But I can’t even with that I love the Apple community. I love the mock-up community. And those two separate it’s drive me freaking bonkers because a anybody who says anything, even remotely critical of something that Apple has ever done is treated like they’re the plague.

[00:54:31] And I’m like, okay, When did you get an iPhone? Cause you’ve never used a Mac clearly. And you’ve probably been an iPhone user for two years. Shut up. Like you’re not even part of this community, like fuck off. And then the other thing, like the Mac app thing is people like that here. Ooh this other thing that is not even what this does is free.

[00:54:46] It’s dude, shut up. Like it’s why people don’t build better stuff because people are go to this free ones available. It’s like you, people aren’t even Mac users shut up. All right. That’s my rant

[00:54:59] Brett: [00:54:59] Yeah. [00:55:00] Yeah. I don’t mind paying for things if they’re done better than the free

[00:55:05] Christina: [00:55:05] agreed. 100%. I like to pay for things if it’s better than the free version. And I love free shit. Like I love people who do those projects and I love to support them when I can. My beef is with people who are like, Oh, this is free. And I’m like, bro, first of all, this is the Mac community. Like we have a long history of supporting our indie devs.

[00:55:25] Second of all, that’s not even what this is fuck off anyway. Sorry. That’s my rant.

[00:55:29]Brett: [00:55:29] Yeah. All so that brings us to the end of the show. That was a pretty classic episode. I feel like we didn’t go as deep into politics as we sometimes do.

[00:55:40] Christina: [00:55:40] No, we purposely avoided it. I’m real glad because everything that’s been happening in the world is pretty terrible. And I don’t want to talk about it.

[00:55:46]Brett: [00:55:46] Biden did promise to have all troops out of Afghanistan by September. So there’s that anyway,

[00:55:53] Christina: [00:55:53] that’s great. But anyway.

[00:55:54] Brett: [00:55:54] not going to do that.

[00:55:56] Christina: [00:55:56] yeah. I just, I don’t want to, yeah. I, in fairness [00:56:00] I’m like, I apologize if people come here for that, but

[00:56:03] Brett: [00:56:03] I

[00:56:04] Christina: [00:56:04] I don’t want to talk about that.

[00:56:05] Brett: [00:56:05] I don’t think anyone comes here for the news.

[00:56:08] Christina: [00:56:08] No, I don’t think so. You have a lot of other places you can go to do that. And I think that that’s fine.

[00:56:12] Brett: [00:56:12] We don’t aim to fill that gap.

[00:56:14]Christina: [00:56:14] We don’t we aim to be like your like mental health pop culture programming, like gap Taylor Swift. Yes, exactly. We were Taylor Swift podcast first and foremost, and then all those other things secondary, but yeah, no, I think this was good. Last week. We were not great. And that was totally on me, but I feel like this was a good classic episode.

[00:56:33] Brett: [00:56:33] If you if you want to have your review read, live on, over-tired go leave one on iTunes.

[00:56:40]Christina: [00:56:40] Yes, please do.

[00:56:43]Brett: [00:56:43] We hope everyone gets some sleep, but Christina, get some sleep.